I am currently is construction of a map that is built as an indoor eviorment. When making this map, I wanted the map to have alot of flow and movement throughout the map of the players in it. But I feel I may have too much flow that it may be a problem. Look at these screenshots What I think is that all the ways to get up to the second floor are too close to eachother, what do you guys think?
Yep. you need some cover. Be creative with the cover. Don't make it just cover, make it elegant. Put it in like it's supposed to be there not like you wanted it there. Example being a Pillar, or some cool pyramids. I'm sure your brain has good ideas. P.S the writing makes it a little hard to see. Just a tad :3
Oh. Well ****, now I feel like a giant douche! Personally, pictures don't do justice to the workings of a map. To me, the only way I know how a map will flow is when it gets played (and a lot to do with the placement of power weapons). I'll be quiet though, since I'm useless
It really depends on if you want that area to be the main fighting area of the map. If so, its ok. If not, i suggest changing it
All I see is open spaces (big flat boring ones, not just nice fields of view) and doorways. Of course I can't see much of your map from these pictures. You need something more overviewish, or someone in forge to get a real idea about flow.
It's somewhat hard to tell based on the pictures you've given, but from what I can see, the lift seems redundant.
hey heres a thread i posted yesterday! its all about map flow. try doin steps 1-3, but use your overall map design. it really helps to see the overall "BIG/MAIN" movements you want people to take...then add your little side jumps and shorts cuts! ....hope this helps http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/113416-tips-how-start-your-map-101-a.html
A map that flows well always has lots of ways of traversing the map. The lift might be unnecessary nut you want at least two ways for choke points or three ways for other parts for entering and exiting an area. Look at guardian from Halo 3 for good examples of this. Mainly blue room and gold.