
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by schleb, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. schleb

    schleb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey guys here is a quick look at one of my new maps called "Perdido" (pur-dee-doe) ill do the full back story when i release it, but a quick history. the idea came from a fort in Pensacola, FL called Fort Pickens (near perdido)

    I need some testers for this map, and maybe someone in the next few days to help me set-up other games types....i.e. KoTH, Flag, oddball...etc (confused!) As far as testers i am looking for people that can hold there own with a DMR and understand the games as team-based! Also PLEASE be over the age of at least 16 (maybe older) i am sorry to say that i can not stand youngsters yelling and always asking questions :) (im 23 if that helps)

    gun drops so far....
    4x DMR
    2x Needle Riffle
    2x Noob Combo
    1x Needler
    1x Snipe (no clip)
    1x Rocks (no clip, rocks also are on drop spawn and will land in center of map)
    1x shotgun
    4x Frags
    4x Sticky's

    1x Drop bubble
    1x Invis

    okay so like i said about the rockets. i really want to test if i should "open" the gate by invis (pic #8) and place the rockets onto the bridge, people could then use the man cannon to boost back over into the mid or run back to the glass sides. as far as right now i have a gate there, the rocks then boost over and land on the little triangle ledge in fort of the antenna by the snipe (pic #11)



    main overview

    top red deck/scales side

    top snipe/green or blue hole. you can see the hole under the blue strut that will drop you into the basement. there is also a grav lift that will boost you back up to the top (both sides)

    shotty spawn/basment...the tunnel straight ahead takes you into the base, under the deck/scales

    blue base (reds the same) the tunnel comes out on the right of the stairs. straight ahead is glass

    blue glass, keep heading around the corner to invis
    invis hole/gate (this is the gate that i was talking about taking out)

    with the gate open you can get to the lift and boost over. as of right now though the rocks drop into the lift and fly over the top...

    center courtyard...drop shield spawns on the top of the tunnel brace

    snipe leans against the green also will land on the triangle piece!

    if you would like to test this map with me PM or ADD my gt: KiLLiN iT NAT3 or leave a reply and i will try to add you. im looking to test this most likely SUNDAY 11-14-10, but i would like for someone to help with those gametypes before hand! thanks guys for reading/looking

    THERE IS NO z-FIGHTING!!!! YAY, or at least very little
    #1 schleb, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  2. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok first of all, yay! No Z-fighting. Second of all, it's cool that you are testing this map out yourself, but if you want some additional feedback, I reccommend submitting this map to the Testers Guild.
  3. Keg

    Keg Forerunner

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    wow looks amazing
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    a small comment on your presentation:

    those bright blue and yellow paint splatter effects look terrible and amateur.
    i would simplify that banner image by cropping it down to eliminate the excess crap at the top,
    and get rid of all the ugly paint effects.
  5. schleb

    schleb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol yes its true. when i tried posting this i had it all on one canvas, but when i posted it it was too i quickly brushed that on and threw it in!

    here was the original that actually looked nice and not over powered...


    ill remake a banner tag when i get a chance...def not tonight cause im off to work

    EDIT* just posted a new banner pic for you tit! ha its not my favorite by all means but that was bugging me after you said that.
    #5 schleb, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010

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