
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by LeG3nDary, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. LeG3nDary

    LeG3nDary Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Idyllic is a map designed for team slayer. It is set up for all team colors, though Red v. Blue is the most recommended. Multiteam is also supported but overall untested.

    The map revolves around the spiral centerpiece, with the middle featuring diagonal symmetry. Red and Blue sides feature direct symmetry, and the other two walls feature asymmetrical rocket and sniper spawns. Initial playtesting showed a nice flow of battle, with control of the middle walkways being key. Sniper wasn't too powerful, and rockets had a clip reduction.

    6x DMR (2 clips, 40 second spawn)
    2x Needle Rifle (2 clips 45 second spawn)
    2x Needler (2 clips 55 second spawn)
    1x Sword (100 second spawn)
    2x Grenade Launcher (4 clips 75 second spawn)
    2x Plasma Pistol (80 second spawn)
    1x Rocket (0 extra clips 85 second spawn)
    1x Sniper (1 clip 100 second spawn)

    Middle (Plasma Pistols located in rock gardens)
    By iileg3ndaryii at 2010-11-12

    Top Walkway Around Middle (on both sides) (needler spawn)
    By iileg3ndaryii at 2010-11-12

    Bottom Walkway Around Middle (both sides) (needle rifle spawn, health)
    By iileg3ndaryii at 2010-11-12

    Red Side (blue side identical)
    Top (grenade launcher)
    By iileg3ndaryii at 2010-11-12

    Bottom (health pack)
    By iileg3ndaryii at 2010-11-12

    Sniper Tower
    By iileg3ndaryii at 2010-11-12

    By iileg3ndaryii at 2010-11-12

    Any constructive criticism would be widely appreciated.

    If anyone can get a 4v4 playtest going I would greatly appreciate it if the video could be rendered for me (gamertag II LeG3nDary I)
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sorry I can't DL this map, but it makes me really want to! This map screams for a good 2 vs. 2 match and just looks like the perfect balance between complexity and simplicity. Weapons seem like they are at their absolute maximum, but if you say it plays well I won't argue. The only thing I see that could be added would be a second helix of 1 by 2 flat walls opposite the one at the center in order to balance the symmetry and lines of sight. Nice job all around!
  3. XJoe91

    XJoe91 Forerunner

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    Agree with flyingshoe, perfect blend of variety and straightfowardness(is that a word?) Love the aesthetics, kinda reminded me of reflection. Sword spawn is great; it gives a quick move to cover but is still dangerous to get. Only thing that made me nervous was the sniper. It might be overpowered. If you put it on ground level but still near that tower, I think it would be more balanced. Map flow is very good, only the grav lift was a bit weird if you didn't know the map. Overall, great map!
  4. Kitchener Kobra

    Kitchener Kobra Forerunner

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    this map looks like my cup of tea. (I'm not into massive maps) the screen shots look decent but kind of confusing as they always are due to the fact that forge worlds objects are pretty much ugly grey. but the map looks pleasing otherwise. it gets to the point without having to walk a mile to get killed. looks like it'll throw you back in the action and get u back into the game. ill check this out in a bit hopefully
  5. LeG3nDary

    LeG3nDary Forerunner

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    Thanks for all the kind words so far!

    @Flyingshoe: I thought of a second helix as well, but I've checked most important sight lines and they all more or less work out. The only huge difference is sniper side has more view of the middle as opposed to rocket side. (which is the point anyways)

    @XJoe: I totally agree with the lift. From my (limited) experience it's just hard overall to get grav lifts of that nature to be perfect. Also on sniper spawn I was thinking that too, the only problem really is that the base of the tower is so close to the top anyways. I suppose my line of thinking was that the noise of the grav lift and exposed nature of the sniper spawn would give it away if someone went for the sniper.

    @KitchenerKobra: I tried to mix up the monotony of the forge objects with the rock gardens and heavy use of all 8 colors, but the sheer gray of the colosseum made the lights on the objects difficult to see. I really wish forge had some better color choices but one must work with what one has, I suppose.

    Once again thanks everyone! I'll test out a new sniper spawn for sure and try to tweak the grav lift.

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