Semi-Realistic Future Armory Additions Fantasy

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jupiter, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Lately I've seen a lot of people (on the various forums I traverse) wanting more stuff; like customizable armor and such. While I don't see any content being added anytime soon - unless bungie has some tricks up their sleeves for the noble pack - I really got to thinking about what were some possible things that could be added to reaches already awesome armory. Here is a list of the armor abilities I would like to see appear in halo reach... I'll try to give them each a realistic price for the sake of imagination.

    Armor Effects:

    -Blood Curdling Scream - Make hand to hand combat more audible

    -When your player gets assassinated, they perform a terrifyingly horrible scream that can be heard from about the same distance away that the "YEAH!" of Birthday Party can be heard.
    -When your player is assassinating someone they let out a evil chuckle that can only be heard clearly a short distance away from your player
    -Player produces more grunts and shouts when meleeing or when getting melee'd

    -500,000 cR
    -To See: Gold Commendation in Rear Admiral

    -Noble Soundtrack
    - Make every moment Legendary

    Plays Halo 1/2/3/Reach Musical Scores during matchmaking
    -Music choice should reflect gameplay activities
    -Music Changes dynamically to the activity your are involved in (Music in MP as been done in games before..).
    (Examples: When you are waiting in place or crouching for a lot of time, the music should become more mysterious or scary. Or when the game is about to end and the score is close, the music should get more suspenseful and exciting)

    -1,500,000 cR
    -Must Beat Campaign on Heroic or higher

    Visor Color

    Red(ish) Visor
    -100,000 cR
    -Lt. Colonel

    Greenish Visor (Ill photoshop what Im talking about later)
    -50,000 cR
    -Warrant Officer

    Pink Visor
    -Lt. Colonel
    100,000 cR


    Combat Knife -
    Personal grooming appliance
    -A HUGE combat knife (mildly disproportionate)
    -Not used in combat at all

    -400,000 cR

    Of course I would like to see bungie fix up the existing content first, though I can't help but day-dream about the future possibilities.. Ideas?
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    the only thing i'd like is red visor, but it'd have to be at brigadier or something, not that low a rank.
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Well I know you can have "Noble Soundtrack" already. You just transfer music to your Xbox and press play. Tah Dah! Halo soundtrack in Matchmaking!
  4. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I like a lot of these ideas, but I don't know how bungie will be able to make the noble soundtrack.
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Again.. semi realistic... The idea popped up during an invasion game, hearing the little victory riff at the end of each phase. Im not sure how sound is programed into the game so i won't even pretend to understand how bungie would do it (or if they could do it for that matter)..

    My uneducated guess would be that they could use the already sectioned up music from the campaign and load it into each map for the people that have the Soundtrack ability activated.
    Then there would be a group of variables, each of which would be a numerical representation of different aspects of the game (Game Score, how many survivors are left, what ability are you using the most, how long and how often you crouch, the-list-goes-on...); And the value of which are determined by what 'state' each aspect of the game is in (Its a close game, you are the last man standing, you are using sprint, and you are constantly crouching and seeking around, etc...), then through some algorithm a value or a few values would be given. This value, or collection of values would then be what determines what music-section should be on... There would be a two item Queue. The first item is the music section that is playing, and the second item is whatever the product of the algorithm is (It would be continuously changing). The moment a section is done playing what ever section the second item on the queue... is... becomes the first queue item and begins playing...

    While it sounds like it wouldn't be processer friendly, this is just a few variables and your xbox can deal with MILLIONS of variables. There would be no drop in frame rate.. (except for the actual playing of music... somehow though I think that music isnt a problem.. seeing as there are hundreds of sounds playing simultaneously every moment of every match). Also this process would only be occurring on your xbox; So you wouldn't have to worry about slowing down xbox live connections with data.

    But again.. that's just conceptually how it would be done
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Follow this Link:
    #6 artifact123, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  7. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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  8. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    I say keep this thread alive, you can't conolidate too many ideas into a single thread, because that spreads makes dicussion/debate difficult. I would personally love the scream armor effect, pretty sweet, although I could see it working against you in FFA (AKA someone hears the sound of a melee battle louder and runs to killsteal).

    The soundtrack thing I would love to see, but not as an armor effect but as part of a TU that is available to all players, and it probably could be done (I know nothing about programming though, but to me it seems like it could be)
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Ya.. that thread wasn't working....

    As for the melee.. you would only do the scream when you get assassinated and the Grunts and shouts during melee combat wouldn't necessarily be louder, just more frequent then they are now... Also If you are having a melee battle, usually there are shots and grenades going off as well. So unless you and your opponent are two mute ninjas in cotton ball armor, fighting in the vacuum of space, I think there are going to be a bunch of other things that are going to give your position away before your grunts do.
    Also you do have the ability to turn off you armor abilities...

    As for the soundtrack.. I wish they had put a dynamic multilayer soundtrack in reach.. I think it would be very possible, and it would only enhance the game experience. But since they didn't I'm trying to think of ways that they could do it. While I think it would be easier to put it in a TU, I think there should be a way to turn it off, without having to change the UI to include an on/off switch. Also making it an armor ability would give it exclusivity and therefore making it "special"...
  10. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Believe it or not, that is what the Spartans on on their chest. It may not look as big as it should because Spartans are, well, Seven feet tall.

    Let's not forget the fact that you can buy the security shoulder that has Emile's knife.
  11. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    He's talking about a freaking huge knife, not the ones we can already get.
  12. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Im not pro at photoshop but I was thinking along the lines of this:
    Not this color, and definably more "haloee":


    But a very noticeable gigantic-ass knife
  13. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Oh yea, I've seen one of those. It's called a ****ing machete.
  14. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    A machete would work... More than just work in fact.. though I was thinking it would be more ba if it were more of a really huge combat knife, rather than a machete.
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I'm sure it could be just as "ba" as you think it would, and probably much better, if you just think that it could be a HALO machete.

    All the ladies will love you then kids.
  16. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Cone hat armor effect.

    So much win.

    A gigantic ass-knife?
    #16 wi1lywonka, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  17. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    All I'm asking for is an armor effect that makes the Wilhelm Scream whenever I die. Is that too much to ask for?
  19. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Im sure quite a few people won't or will like this idea. But buying assassinations is what i want. there is not to many assassinations and they get pretty boring quick.

    My idea is to have assinassin armory(not really) but you can equip what assassination you want for normally assassination high assassination, low assassination or side assassination.

    One assassination i want is like a martial arts one. Like throw a few punches then do a devastating kick to the face/neck
    #19 Combat P3nguin, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I was trying to think of something better, but now all I can hear is the Wilhelm Scream in my head...

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