this is my map i have been working on. i know its not art and this is my first real map in reach if someone can download the map and tell me what i can add to make it feel more like a city? the ground is grass but it looked weird with cement and cluttered. please critisize this all you want.. yes i took that bench from that vanilla map heres the map: Arbiter
Nice idea. When most people think of a "city-style" map, they focus on the outside or open areas of the city. Actually basing a map in the internal areas of a stylized city is a surprisingly fresh idea.
sorry map is here : : Halo Reach : File Details Arbiter [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks man.. its not what i wanted it to be because of limitations of forge (the gameplay and size, not the actual way it looks with decorations) honestly im really un creative when it comes to making something look nice but im going to make a new map soon that has good gameplay
Looks awesome. Although the building with the yellow columns on the second picture may be better as blue rather than yellow. That way it fits with the stunt ramp roof. Just a suggestion.
cool thanks guys. it has a few spawns and a few power weapons but im not really sure if i set spawns to have teams? how would ctf work without team spawns? [br][/br]Edited by merge: oh yeah that things a parkade