...and you thought i forgot. Here it is, long over due, i bring the last installment of the checkpoint series: Part 1. If you haven't heard of the checkpoint series, then you better head off to checkpoint alpha linktage: Checkpoint Alpha. First a little walkthrough of the map. You start in the directors office, looks like he ran off. Go through the generator room, get a falcon. Looks like one of the armor abilities is missing... Land here, go through the open door. (marked with blue) Go through the green house. There it is, the directors bunker. Press the button and blow. it. up. So that's it, the checkpoint series: part 1 is done. Finished. There will be more just wait. I'm thinking of maybe making a twitter account so i can keep people updated on the progress because i did get messages asking about the progress, tell me what you think of that. Here's a preview of checkpoint golf in the checkpoint series: part 2. Remember me? I have become a better forger than i was when i first started these maps, so expect aesthetics as cool as this armor. My idea for the finale for the next part of the series is epic, also look for a REALLY big easter egg. This is Hat, signing off.
Did you add any secret collecti-goodies to this one? Also...why the hell wasn't I part of this? My abilities at hiding useless weaponry know no bounds! Anyways, this is a great addition to the already-populer Forerunner aesthetic series, and I cannot recomend this enough to everyone here. What you've done by taking something as misguidingly simple as Forge and making an actual, playable story with it shows talant on par with the producers of Bioshock. Congratulations, Hat o' Win. Congrats. Cheers, HarisSales.
Well, its the first time me seeing the series but now I know what I will do tomorrow. These missions look really fun and I try them out. BTW in part 2 you could try to create a few puzzles so it really feels more like an adventure.
Ehm i didn't comment on any of your previous maps because i thought you were just making a couple but this me and a lot of my friends here on forgehub have decided this is well overdue : - The story line idea in the use of forge maps is a bad idea. Make a machinima if you want to involve your maps. - The armour ability line up WTF is the point in that. - I'm guessing you are fairly new to forge but in Halo Reach you have the option to line up objects perfectly straight by using a combination of precision forging and rotation snap. Maybe you should try practicing before posting maps. - Take your time creating structures, all yours look rushed and a mess.
Yes, Haris. There are secret goodies, one major one along with some minor. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I wanted people to walk through, like it was a campaign in a game. Not watch it, like a movie. I am interested in making a machinima and have discussed it with my friends. To show you how far you are in the maps. I'm not new to forge, i know everything about the rotation snap and coordinates. My structures are supposed to be old and destroyed.
Bout time man! What took ya! Dude I saw this one a while back. It was almost finished. Can't wait for part 2!
good stuff Hat. The mystery unravels yet weaves itself every time you make a new post. Looking forward to seeing how you finish off the series.
This is in a way the end, but there will be more and a true ending will come. My idea for the ending of the next part will be true, unleaded, awesome sauce, but in all serious i think it will really be what a fan or a newcomer will love. Also, what does anyone think of the twitter idea?
Dude, finally! I remember nagging you to finish it whenever I was in a party with you, I was really glad when you told me that you were forging on it. Making that map was fun, even though I pretty much watched. It was funny when I would accidently delete something and you would get mad. Good times =D. Anyways great map, the aesthetics are great. Hope to see that the part 2 is even better.
why should I!!!!!! okay that was a bit much hey hat im very sorry and unhappy that i no longer own an xbox 360 and dont plan on getting one soon. its not that im bored of playing games Cause there is no way in HELL im going to do that!!!! I like the twitter idea cause i want to add my bit of awesome epicness to that sauce your poring over your map. I would really apreciate it if you actually put what i tell you into a map. I will try to play as much as I can when i can. For the mean time i have given my acound to a friend who may or may not use it. (he has his own) I have been stormin all over my house with aesthetic ideas that i may never get to make I seriously love the map and would like to see part two, too bad I CAN'T make a vid so others (includeing me) can see your maps. I still want to be a forging buddy. fluffy seein ya later
This is seriously some of the most awesome stuff I've seen. Absolutely amazing. Love the idea of a Twitter, as I'm waiting in suspense for part 2. And is there any way to get the whole story as a whole, without going to each topic? kinda lazy here.
Let me start out with pointing out that you are a retard. Second i would like to point out that all these maps look beautiful and are fricking amazing. He is the opposite of being new to forge and makes great maps. I would like to see a map you made that could even compare to the stuff he makes. Third, the story line idea is great just youre the kind of person who needs it all fast, watching somebody else do it in a video. This is supposed to be designed for a first person view while you search and discover the map, not have it pointed out to you buy a machinima. You and your friends are retards and should get rid of your forgehub accounts. Nice map Hat.
Good one bloody fox. whats your twitter hat if your making one for this. Go on you can tell me im not a rapist with sadistic ideas to ruin your map. really I'm not. no seriously im really not you've met me so theres no chance im a rapist with sadistic ideas to ruin your map. so what is it?
My new twitter [br][/br]Edited by merge: It's done and ready for posting, now i just have to post the map.
Absolutely Amazing maps, and to comment towards Dorito, Bungie greatly encourages story line maps to be made using forge, Definetly hope to see lots more maps with storylines from you, and if you need someone for machinima im completely available.