Guess who's back with a brand new map? And I don't mean map as in a new case of child molestation accusation No worries, papa's got a brand new bag of toys What else could I possibly do to make noise? I done touched on everything, but little boys That's not a stab at Michael That's just a metaphor, I'm just psycho I go a little bit crazy sometimes I get a little bit out of control with my rhymes... But enough with the Eminem Quotes... This is my first map on reach, so I kinda wanted to say the above quote... but it does make me sound really arrogant... Whatever though! This is my Invasion Map! It Starts on Alaska, moves across a bridge over to Montana, then drops down into the gulch! I still need a lot of testers, but I just wanted to see what people thought of it so far. And to inform some peeps that I need some testers. Enough Chatter, I'll get to the pictures! Close view at the Phase one bridge, it is elite controlled and the Spartans must capture! Close view at Phase 2, it is also Elite controlled and must be captured via hills to progress. Overview of Phase one, Right side. And Phase two, Left side. Quick view at phase 3, Spartans drop down from the Platform up top, and into here... then they have to bring the core over behind red base... The map Also plays Invasion Slayer Only in the Gulch, and I'm ironing that game out as well... Here's a picture of the entire Gulch for Invasion Slayer. It looks atrocious at this angle though... Spoiler So there you have it, thats what I've been working on! Comments and feedback appreciated!
Map looks super awesome. That bridge is amazing The rest of it is pretty cool aswell. Thinking of doing any testing sessions?
I will be doing testing sessions, and I'll send anyone an invite that wants one, but testing will probably be on sunday.
I'm a resident of the UK so I won't be able to join in with late testing sessions >< Sunday should be fine if it's not too late though
I doubt you'll remember me but I tested this map a while back because I joined either Ladnil or Nibs, and I loved it. I'm totally up for whenever for testing.
Dayyyyyum! This map has some of the sexiest aesthetics I've seen yet! Can't wait to see it, hope it plays great.
If the session isn't too early on Sunday, I would love to join in on some testing. This map looks pretty fun.
Alright, so, testing today! I've been too obsessed with black ops to do it any time sooner... send me a message if you want in!
Meta, if you're doing any testing at all on the weekend throw me a Friend Request, GT: Curious Corndog, I'd like to join :3