Remake Hollow Ground v3

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Zoolader m83, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. Zoolader m83

    Zoolader m83 Ancient
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    Hollow Ground v3
    "After a devastating earthquake, most of High Ground fell into the sea. A Re-imagination of High Ground. 2-8 Players. Version 3!"

    Updates... Top Ten!

    1. Map supports many gametypes now, where the last version only supported slayer.
    2. Complete spawning overhaul.
    3. Removed Man Cannon near tunnel. Replaced said Man Cannon with new sweet bridge.
    4. Huge new glass structure behind snipers nest, for extra cover.
    5. Removed teleportal from all gametypes.
    6. Added a guard rail to the cliff at the end of the tunnel.
    7. Changed all yellow objects red, now red base. Also fixed some other object colors.
    8. Complete weapon layout change. Removed rockets, sword, ghost, and turret.
    9. Death Barrier added to the cliff, to avoid long respawn times.
    10. Closed off secret mongoose cave.

    YouTube - Hollow Ground v3.wmv

    Human Weapons

    2x DMR
    1x Grenade launcher
    1x Sniper
    6x Frags

    Covenant Weapons

    1x Spiker
    2x Needle Rifle
    1x Needler
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x plasma repeater
    4x plasma grenades









    #1 Zoolader m83, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    did you only remake part of the map!!!!!?? the back part of the map to the laft of the missile silos looks like it could use more roofing. it seems to opened up
  3. Platinum

    Platinum Forerunner

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    First impressions, it looks like you sawed off half of the original map. Great work! I always thought that map was stupidly unbalanced for non-objective game play. I like the looks of this version a lot more. That's a DL from me.
  4. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First of all I loved high ground, my favorite 3 map in fact, and this is an excellent remake/re-imagination however I loved the other half of the map, darn. But the map is still amazing. *downloads*
  5. GFORCE137

    GFORCE137 Forerunner

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    Oh man. Sweet map. I like the building in the rocks. Very creative. I must download this map to get some fun customs in, THANKS :)
  6. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    I really like the layout and such.

    But it seems the blue team has a severe lack of power weapons. The Sniper is somewhat closer to them but not by much. The grenade launcher is in the red base and they also have easy access to the shotgun. The bridge is what makes the shotgun easy to get for the red team and then they can just take the mancannon into the blue base and start killing.

    The blue team should get a power weapon and I think the ability to take the mancannon into their base should be countered in some way.

    More weapons in general wouldn't hurt as it's a little sparse for the weapons that people mostly use. The complete lack of any ARs on the map is disappointing.

    Also, I think the respawn points should be all set to neutral and you should use a team specific weak respawn zone if you want teams mostly respawning in their own base.

    One last problem is that the framerate drops a bit in certain areas, even when only one person is looking at it. (And yes this was in custom games, not forge, so it wasn't drawing in the objectives and spawns)

    But overall, I really like the way this map looks and feels. The layout is well designed and ought to play well. I also like the "energy fungus" or whatever it is that's on the wall in the blue base.
  7. Zoolader m83

    Zoolader m83 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the long write-up and initial concerns. I timed how long it would take to get to the shotgun for each team from their initial spawns, and the bridge is not closer to the red team, it's right in the middle. The red team might be able to get to the grenade launcher a second earlier, but the same goes for blue and the sniper so I feel it balances out. If players from both teams rush the power weapons upon the start of the game, then there will always be a battle for who gets to keep them. This map is small and should be used mostly for FFA and general custom fun with friends. I felt it was too small for any more power weapons, as that was a compliant during testing when I had more power weapons. As for the frame-rate, I know it dips a little in the blue base around the space mushrooms. It doesn't effect the game much and doesn't hinder the gameplay from my experiences. Though I will say I did try many alterations to get it to play without any frame-rate drop, but nothing helped. (blame bungie)

    I will also note that many people are disappointed this isn't a full remake. I had this map setup since Halo 3, where I had built a very similar map on High Ground for small FFA customs, and it was my friends favorite map aside from Guardian. I built this map to fill the void of small maps in Reach, which is like zero. I will say I have heard the outspoken, and currently looking into transplanting this map to another area of Forge World, so I can make a full blown High Ground remake.

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