If he got 18 kills before his teamates got one, it means that they are terrible. Because of that it probably lined up the hidden trueskill so the other team was probably **** too. And i've got as many as fourty kills before in a game, when youre on fire its not much. ^^three or four times in multiteam
Sigh, way to be distracted by pretty numbers rather than actually reading my post, guys. My point was not that I'm awesome. It was actually to point out that games like that can happen even if you aren't all that, like me. This is why I mentioned my 1v1 with Shad0w back when we were testing the 1v1 maps (albeit in H3 rather than Reach). You wana know what the final score was? Shadow: 20, Pegasi: -2. Right. And yes Matty, I know you'd beat me 1v1, but not quite as badly as you would have in H3 .
That is exactly why I don't play multi-team. I don't like being the one doing all the work. Pegasi, you could have at least used someone else's service record (Like mine >). It really just looked like you were trying to disguise your ego with humility. Seeing as how you had convenient links for all your good games. Matty. No one can see your ***** if you don't rage. Rage, THEN brag. It gets EVERYONE's attention.