Ok, this is me. I was playing a Team Slayer game and was using the hologram armor ability. Well about a second after this screen shot I was shot by a sniper at the same time as I sent out a hologram. I don't have a capture card or bungie pro so I can't upload a video but if you want to see the happenings you can get the videos from my fileshare. First, here are the screenshots of my hologram from the video rendered on my xbox: I would just like to say that the only item on that hologram that I have even purchased is the chest piece. That doesn't explain the weird fanny pack on the back and the fact that it is a female. Here are screenshots from the exact same game from a clip my brother rendered on his xbox: Now I know something terrible is wrong. In the first image I am wearing things I haven't bought and in fact couldn't have because of my rank at the time. In the second picture there is a knife in the center of my back like the katana in halo 3. I can find no evidence in the game of any character having s knife there or any evidence that that chest piece is ever unlockable or in the game. And as a side note, you can see through my freaking chest on the mechanical arm side. On top of everything, this is a team slayer game so the hologram shouldn't be silver and green. I assume the render was different on every player's screens. This is the strangest thing I have ever seen in the game. How about you?
This was discovered awhile ago. There is multiple ways to do it, but the first way was to die right as you sent out a hologram. The easier technique is to go into Editor mode (in Forge) right after hitting hologram. As for the render it sends out, yes, it is different for all players. Still a cool glitch though.
I didn't hear about it happening before. I feel less excited now. I still want that chest piece with the knife on the back though.