Great Campaign Expectations

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by monkeyrantz, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    So, I am about to finish Campaign on Legendary (finished on Normal first), and there are some things that Bungie should (I think) have put more thought into before releasing the game. I loved the Campaign mode for this game more than any other Halo game. This is not a hate thread, I am just talking about what I thought could have been better. Now that that is out of the way....

    Some main ones I would like to mention before I go into detail (my favorites):
    -Awful checkpoints (enable exploits, get them with no health or shield. Should be given at non-exploitable positions, and with full shield only)
    -After The Package, Noble Three (Jun) gets on the plane with that old *****. Noble Three never dies. He is the only one with no death cut-scene. He just leaves. Even you die. What the hell is up with that?
    -On The Package, (Mission Point Bravo), you are taken about 2000 feet (fairly sure about the distance) below the ground. Yeah, and Drop Ships come and drop off the Covenant's army. Am I missing something, or did Bungie seriously forget they just sent us 2000 feet underground, and there are Drop Ships flying to us... It doesn't make sense.
    -After Long Night of Solace, Jorge throws you back to the planet from the space ship. Yeah, you totally would survive that fall. In any game mode in reach, you die from fall damage, and apparently you can survive a fall from space. Right.

    1. Winter Contingency
    So the entire mission is basically screwed up. Right from the get-go you can run past nearly every objective. Even in the very first battle, you can run past it via the left of the map. Then where you first encounter elites, on the far right there is a guard rail. You can run right by them and hop in the truck. Even after that you can drive through / by every objective till where you fight to get on the pelicans. And even THEN, you can climb up the mountain with a DMR and kill all the enemies with ease.

    2. ONI Sword Base
    The checkpoints were awfully thought out here. Anyone can run right past every enemy in normal in the beginning, grab the Target Locater, aim it (so it is about to shoot) and walk to a designated area to get a checkpoint. Now every time you hit 'Revert to Last Save', you get mad credits for kills and a ton of commendations. And the same deal is here, you can basically drive around, activate the buttons, and go to the next objective, ignoring almost all the enemies.

    3. Nightfall
    Another exploit where you can boost for credits and commendations. Right in the beginning, you run up to the elite and can headshot him and get a checkpoint right before you get a checkpoint. And depending on which difficulty you play on, you can walk right by again. Its any lazy players dream.

    4. Tip of the Spear
    A genuinely cool level. This mission actually requires some strategy and thought before rushing in. Although, something that makes one part of the mission much easier is wraith blasting the anti-air turret until it explodes rather than going inside of it to blow it up. Also, after you get into the giant Spire bubble, you can go to the right, and run through the pipes for cover. This makes it much easier. Then follow the road to the left and eventually you can hop on one of the lifts very easily. I like the exploration aspect that Bungie put into the Campaign, but it can be very easily abused.

    5. Long Night of Solace
    I am not sure if anyone has played this on Legendary, but there is this dumb-ass checkpoint that I got where I had no shield, two bars of health, a plasma repeater, sprint, and at least twenty over-shielded enemies in front of me. I didnt want to restart the mission, so I tried at least eighty different things before a successful escape. Ugh. And after you get to the end of the ship, and turn around, there are more enemies coming at you, even though you just killed them all. Is Jorge ****ing asleep? How did they get there? Enemies seem to come from thin air in this mission.

    6. Exodus
    This is one of my favorites. There are two parts, though, that you can completely skip over if you are smart with your jet pack. Although, the one most annoying kill in Reach is in this mission. Its a Brute with a shield. [Quick tip: Brutes hate Needlers :] Anyways, it is usually the very last kill in this mission. You have to activate the missile gun things via a button this Brute guards. He has a shield, is in a room where it is easy to run around and recharge his shield, and not to mention a freaking gravity hammer. That is all I'm going to say.

    7. New Alexandria
    This one didn't have many problems. Except the unrealistic problem that a seemingly indefinite amount of Banshees come after you. I was also going to talk about the three hunters in one room, but that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Jet packs are surprisingly helpful against hunters.

    8. The Package
    In my opinion, this is the easiest of all the missions on Legendary (besides the hilariously easy Winter Contingency). I probably died a total of eight or nine times. The entire last part is basically a game of firefight.

    9. The Pillar of Autumn
    Am I the only one that is disappointed that you don't get to take down any Scarabs in the reach campaign? It was my favorite thing to do in other Halo campaigns, so when I first saw the Scarabs, I was excited to board them, only to figure out that I was supposed to drive right by them =( Its no biggie though. The Mac Cannon part at the end is slightly (very) annoying. And I love how during the final cut-scene they incorporate something from Halo: CE. Spartan 117 in his little container. That really did it for me. I love Bungie for doing that.

    10. Lone Wolf
    I hate this. The mission is to survive. After such a climatic story, and campaign seemed to have wrapped itself up, they throw you into the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Just die and the mission is completed. You get to watch yourself die. Yay. No happy ending for this Halo. For me, the Pillar of Autumn was a perfect way to close out Bungie's Halo franchise.

    So that's it. Feel free to comment and / or debate whatever. These are just my thoughts and opinions. Hope you enjoyed it.
    ~monkeyrantz (GotMeFaded)
    #1 monkeyrantz, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I kid. Seriously though, I disagree with most of your points and I have probably already discussed them in one of the many many many other rant threads so I'll just cut straight to obvious conclusion:

    You bought Halo Reach. You played trough Halo Reach. You then played through Halo Reach again. You then managed took the time to analyse every single level rather than make general complaints about the game as a whole.

    In comparison:
    I played Assassin's Creed once. I didn't buy it, it was my brothers copy. I didn't complete it because I felt it was incredible repetitive and running through a huge crowd of guards was much more fun the what you were meant to be doing. I couldn't tell you about each level because to me they all seemed the same.

    So, to me, it just seems that your rant is rather contradictory and you actually make Halo Reach sound like not such a bad game!

    One thing I will correct you on, did you notice that huge pack back Six was wearing during the cutscenes? You don't think that perhaps had something to do with his safe landing?
    Did you also notice that when we see Six back on the ground, the Covie ship is there with him? Its not like that ship had just crashed there. I mean debris is still falling but the bulk of that ship must have been there for quite a while. Its possible that Six had actually been unconscious for several hours before the next level begins.
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    damnit our class is just starting Macbeth.
  6. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    DUDE. If you don't like it, don't yap about it like a brat. All you need to do is to return your copy of reach and go back to playing crappy MW2 or soemthing....I hate it when ppl yap about something. It's not like they could do anything about it. You don't like reaach? DO something about it! Don't whine! (not sure about the spelling). On the other hand, you have some good points though but still, don't whine just do something bout it
  7. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    kthxbai #2
  8. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    oh great. another thread bitching about how the game SHOULD BE. fantastic
  9. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    And whats worse, is this one totaly fails lol.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    who doesn't LOVE Lone Wolf? thats my favorite, and easiest mission... its hard to do, but to pass you just have to die lol

    I'm betting this person did not watch all the way through the credits to see all of the cutscenes

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