a 45 degree map based on the map Distortion from Halo 3 but less vomiting. A Beaver Creek type map, rockets in the center if you are lucky enough to snag them before your enemy does. One view point from the map Second viewpoint 45 degree angle- creates more cover and options during a fight. Grav lifts accurately placed where needed- Hard to tell but there is a guy about to kill me in the top middle of the screen. Dont worry there are plenty of flat areas for you who get sick when math comes into the picture and adds angled walls you may walk on. Corners!! it also includes corners yes. Angled walkways. Snipers..beware. The laser is back. Thanks, its a fun map to play, this is basically a beta version, some minor problems but a very fun map that's worth playing with some friends.
dude thankyou...your maps original...i always try to look for something new or interesting cause all the other maps get boring after a while...nice job um...does your link to your map work???
Nice it looks like a facility in space with like no gravity cool idea. I like those portable shield step also very nice
dude 2 things 1. Great map, i love the 45 degrees makes for more cover for snipers and dmr fights. 2. The eminem quote that you have on your profile=respect