Forge World Speedway

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Natetendo83, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Hey everyone!

    So this is my first entry here at Forge Hub. It's a Race map called Forge World Speedway.

    I've actually had this map done for some time now but I only got around to playing it with more than 5 people last night with some others from around here so thanks to all of them for testing it with me (we did find a checkpoint that needed to be moved slightly so people could spawn properly)!

    The map features a bit of terrain as well as a couple bigger jumps. I know some people like to add the shields to soften landings but I enjoy the fun that comes from taking a big jump and trying to stick the landing the old fashioned way (it provides some hilarity as well).

    As for the look of the map it may not be the prettiest thing out there but making good aesthetics isn't really my strong suit so I just went for creating something that was simply very fun to play.

    Couple minor details:
    - Average Lap Time: 1:15
    - Video: I don't have Bungie Pro so I couldn't render a video for YouTube or anything but here is the link to the video in my File Share if you want to see it: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Anyways onto the screenshots since they will probably show it better than I could describe it:

    Starting line:

    Through the tunnel:

    First big jump:

    After the jump going to the split turn:

    The split turn:

    Left or right?

    Tight squeeze:

    Smaller jump:

    Split track:

    Side by side:

    Final jump before lap completion:


    Landing area and into the Start/Finish Line:

    And that should do it! I think I covered everything, if not just let me know!
    #1 Natetendo83, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  2. Roughsta

    Roughsta Forerunner

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    This looks like a realy nice race track =) I like how you used the stadium windows and the cannon man ramps^^

    I will definetly try it out^^
  3. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Thanks! Let me know how it went :)
  4. TDSrock

    TDSrock Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    looks awsome i will DL it soon and let you know what i think
    and a smal request could you DL my race map (sparks tour) and tell me if you liked it?

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