Seasoned Whiskey is a vast landscape constructed with a large amount of rock formations, buildings, blocks, etc. Several vehicles have been placed on the map, so as you might presume, the gameplay is rather hectic and...well....a blast! A few things have been changed since the original such as the soft safe area boundary, a block or two, and a ramp that happened to be a few feet of the ground. As of now, I strongly believe that this is the final version, so please feel free to download, comment, tag, and like it! It'd mean a great deal to me! Cheers, and have a brilliant evening! ~J.R. Map Overview One Map Overview Two Red Base Overview One Red Base Overview Two Blue Base Overview One Blue Base Overview Two
Reply to your map. Hi there, I would like to congratulate you since you are the lucky recipient of my first ever comment on ForgeHub. So yeah, I really like the style of your map with all the buildings placed in the right positions and there not too many vehicles, but enough for a some hectic and fun battles. I particularly like your blue team (looks like blue from the picture) spawn, just off the cliff with vehicles already at there disposal. I don't know why, but for some reason this map reminds me of Standoff in Halo 3. Anyway, great map, will download and play.