Evolution Process is an asymmetric map being created for One Flag, One bomb, Slayer/Team Slayer and KOTH. It is built in montana and contains a variety of locations, each easily distinguishable from the next. In the first playtest, a lack of cover was mentioned in the upper portion of the map, and this is being adressed at the moment. But Screenshots are what you want, so screenshots you shall get! Overview of top portion(See Bold text above) Defenders Base: Attackers Base: Central walkway - bottom. The Entire map....from miles away. XD CURRENT MAP PROGRESS: Slayer FFA spawns and Team starting points are down. Need to tweak some TS spawns, then moving onto objective gametypes.
I'm struggling to quite understand the layout the map, but one thing I know for sure is it looks mahoosive. I like the sense of scale on this map, especially the big towers in picture two, which act like landmarks so you have a sense of where you are. Is this map set up for Big Team games by any chance? I also like the walkways that cross over the top of one another; it is something you rarely see in large objective based maps.
Yeah, the layout is a little hard to grasp from the screenshots, but I can assure you that it is easy to find your way around. As for scale, I'm aiming towards 4v4, maybe 5v5 at a stretch. We tested a 6 player FFA earlier, and the map seemed to fit that quite well, although 8 is the ideal number. And yeah, the walkways were something that i wanted to do from an early stage. Larger maps tend to give you a fairly linear progression between bases, and I wanted to create something that felt more like High Ground in the amount of options the attackers have in terms of paths.