Ramp, Circular, Small & Large - Any good examples of use?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ACA3156, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. ACA3156

    ACA3156 Forerunner

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    Hi all, trying to implement some circular ramps into my map but just can't seem to get anything looking decent. Mainly the entrance to it from the bottom, with a piece above to continue the spiral it blocks the entrance to the lower(this is with the small piece).

    I have searched for threads and found nada. I have also looked for maps but of course there are just to many and not enough time to download and open them all in forge.

    Does anyone have some maps that implement the circular ramps both large and small as functional ramps to go from one level to the next that I could use as inspiration?

  2. Atraira

    Atraira Forerunner

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    Trying to force a certain piece into your map because you think it looks cool even though you can't get it to work is never a good idea. Use what works.
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Circular ramps are hard to use for what they're meant for... a ramp. I use them more commonly for "speed bumps" and circular columns.

    Note that the two different kinds spiral in different directions.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I have usually used them more for aesthetics than gameplay. Also true of the dish platforms. I like the idea but it's hard to integrate them into maps primarily made of rectangular pieces. Best use - for remaking Sanctuary, of course.
  5. ACA3156

    ACA3156 Forerunner

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    For functional use this has me beat.. Trying to put 3 or 4 of the small together to spiral up is easy enough but if you want a complete enclosed cylinder with an entrance and an exit I just can't see how this is possible(yet).

    I do like a challenge, I think I might play with the curved wall pieces and see what I can come up with. Of course if it looks crap I ain't gonna use it but I am not admitting defeat as yet... Although I'm not far from it!!

    Thanks for the reaponse's thus far, I'll keep hoping someone here has cracked it and has a lovely spiral up using 3 or more in an enclosed cylinder...
  6. QTheDukeQ

    QTheDukeQ Forerunner

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    I've been having problems with people saying my map is a little confusing, working on an update for it, but in my map Protectorate for blue base I used a (I believe) 3 story tower and two 2x2, two ramps, and two circular ramps to make a circular ascending back path up blue base. It's the only way I've found uses for them. Used it in red base too, just doesn't look as good.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Personally, I don't like the spiral stair cases. They look plain, and actually walking on them sucks. I'd just create your own staircase, and if you want a spiral one... you're gonna use a lot of objects :p
  8. ACA3156

    ACA3156 Forerunner

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    Hey Stevo, I know where your coming from but I don't want to use a stack of pieces merged because of framerate and z fighting issues. It's a shame, bungie supply us with some pretty cool pieces to play with yet in this instance it only seems useful as a single unit which only gives a small amount of elevation from one level to another or for decoration and that seems to be it for it's uses.

    Its a shame, my map is very circular, I'm trying to get rid of rectangular blockiness and use curves as often as possible(within reason aesthetically and practically) and 4 circular towers that function as a means of getting up and down(think like a lighthouse or a circular turret in a castle) would top it off...

    Still not given up yet!!!
  9. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The pieces are very anti-social when forced to interact with other structures. I made a very tall tower with only the 'Ramp Circular Small' pieces in the middle of hemmorage awhile ago. It's base was placed slightly over a hill just so that an elite player could walk into it from under it without hitting the ceiling of the next piece. Of course, this left the right side of the tower's base completely open. I tried to fix it as attractively as possible, but you can't make it look right. I had a similar problem with the top as well.

    I think there should be pieces similar to the circular ramps that don't have the outer walls.

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    It is possible to create a complete spiral functional staircase using the ramp, circular, small pieces. You will not be able to jump at all when using them but it is still possible to make it functional. If you need something more than just a statement saying it is possible then I can upload pics if needed.
  11. ACA3156

    ACA3156 Forerunner

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    Roflwafflep133, exactly my problem, with a piece missing at the bottom and at top it just looks crap, even with curved wall pieces to blend the enclosed cylinder.

    Dontshootme, If you could that would be great, as of last night I gave up and have made the towers asthetic only with ramps on either side but as it's been a bit of a challenge and it seems only one person has cracked it, if you could share, it could also inspire others to use these pieces with functional use in their own maps.

    I've only just put the ramps in so it's not to far down the production line that I can easily change it. Thanks for your post, it's appreciated.
    #11 ACA3156, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010

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