MEMORIAM :by longridr Description: Memoriam is a medium sized map with 3 levels and is symmetrical. made for 4v4 Slayer and free-for-all. Weapons on map: Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x2 Energy Sword x1 Sniper x2 Needler x2 DMR x4 Needle Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Repeater x2 Plasma Grenade Frag Grenade Magnum x2 Assault Rifle x2 Health Station x6 The Lore: there's a lot we don't know about the forerunners and there's one weapon in particular on the forerunner megastructure, Ark. on the far corner of the Ark lays a Flagship, once a great tool of warfare, was now converted into a facility to study the flood. YouTube - Halo: Reach Map Variant - Memoriam View from outside Looking at blue base from red Top level sword spawn middle level Alternate route to middle level Alternate route to Bottom/Top level Bottom Middle view to red base Bottom middle level If you get a chance to check it out lemme know what you think thanks! Download Here
This is really an amazing map, the symmetry is very well done and it's gameplay plays very well. Glad you FINALLY put it on here LongRidr
Longridr, are you a RESPIRATION THIEF? ...cuz you just took my breath away! Seriously,though,this map looks simply stunning. Just judging by the pictures,it almost has an "Epitaph" feel,as far as the 'footprint' of the map is layed out,and with the walkways traversing the ouitside of the main play area...and your aesthetics look surprisingly unique! (given the monotone forerunner blah parts) ...and also,somehow the tree doesn't seem too gimmicky...nice job! DL'ing now!
This looks amazing...probaly the best map Ive seen place around this long as you have good weapon spawns your good!
lol thanks. glad you like it, took a month to get it just right lol. had like 50 matched before finally posting it too. and thanks for the insight, and epitaph's look was kinda what i was goin for. some people say its an offspring of epitaph/ gemini/ and narrows. i kinda just built it randomly. and im in the process of making epitaph right now haha
It reminded me of narrows when we played it but, You're making epitaph now! No one can stop you can they...
OMG! Man SUBMIT this map to bungie for the forge contest. this NEEDS to be in MATCHMAKING! RIGHT NOW!!!! Great 10/10 map dood I LOVE IT! Best map ive seen so far.
ya i've actually had this submitted. didn't know wether or not to put it up on here, and finally decided to do so and thanks!
This looks amazing bro. I'm going to check it out tonight when I get on. From the screens it reminds me a lot of a CTF map from Unreal Championship 2, I thinki it was called Turmoil, not sure though. I'll definitely come back and tell you what I think after a few games.
This was a fantastically fun map to play LongRidr, thank you for the pleasure of letting me playtest it with you! The tree in the center instantly had me feeling like, there is something there, I know it, and I want whatever it is! Rockets and sword=yummy, love the weapon placement, love the flow of it. Plenty of cover, yet just enough open space to sate my sniping needs. 9.5/10 man! my only gripe, is how little i get to play it
Sweet map, I love the way that those gravity lifts work to bring you to those top edges of the map that cross in the middle. Assault Rifles are not needed on maps as a pick up or as ammo. You get the ammo from enemies that you kill who spawn with it and as a pick up (for gametypes that you do not spawn with it) it is rather useless. Keep the Magnums though, as they are more dynamic. You're probably going to want to put up some railings on the side paths so that the idiots of this game do not actually fall off of the edge. Nice job!
OMG!!! This has to be the next feature! It has a tree in it and a bunch of different levels. That would be completely true if we were just talking about aesthetics. But in Reach anyone can make a map look good, it's also about gameplay. I played this in someones custom game today and I will say I wasn't all to satisfied. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that great. I thought it didn't flow all that well and some of the transitions from bottom to top could have been better. Just my two cents on this map...Oh and spam away at my post saying its completely wrong and I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm such a N00B!!!
that's wierd this (your game play history) says you didnt play on it but you did play on project 1, and heliport stronghold. There's been only 20 downloads not sure how a game coulda been played on it that soon. and i woulda fixed the flow if i thought there was a problem, after 40 or so matches i loved the flow of it. there wasnt a top level when it was first pretty much finished. and i chose two videos from the best 5 to submit. so if you dont know the flow of it just watch those. if you did play it, im not sure how you coulda unless you have a different g tag. if you're gonna post something like that. atleast be smart enough to actually play it.
symmtry is done really well! thanks for the build! i will be playing with my buds. one suggestions though, add a couple decorative selections for the downslopes to the middle. seems just a tad too open in my opinion.
Whether or not furgler played on it is irrelevant. Your map isn't perfect and I took a quick forge through to see that. Your spawns aren't too great. Some are in some really weird spots and plenty of others are facing walls. There is flashing in some parts of the walkable map in forge. This means that you will find framerate issues on the map. Also, you have soft kill barriers on a lot of your rock sections next to pathways. This may not hurt gameplay too much but it's hella distracting. Especially for the easily distracted type of person. Finally, there is a lack of ways to get to the top levels which will most likely result in some unintended flow or some not so great flow. Otherwise, the map is pretty cool I guess. But I wouldn't call it super special in any way as I am not really amazed by anything.
o your must be capaton furgler's friend. i went through my map tryin to see what you were talkin about and there's plenty of ways to the second level, one by jet-packing, two by going the alternate ways and by going from top. 5 different ways to the very top. i mean look at midship... that only has 2, so i dont know where you're goin with that. and the only flashing i've seen, even even if its a small trace, not noticeable is at the very back of the bases, and wayy outside the map. finally, i thought the spawns were decent, i may not be the best at them but, i dont think it would matter much. its an easy fix, when i get to it. and wether or not furglar played on it is totally relevant, lying to make a map look bad on purpose?? thats not right
Did a once over of the spawns. Didn't find anything wrong with the spawns (i.e. Facing Walls) By chance it is POSSIBLE you could mean the spawns that are on the bridge, but then if you are on a bridge spawning, one would instantly think go left or go right, but that is just how humans think I suppose. As for the soft kill zones, if one is dumb enough to stray away off of the beaten path, I say let them be subject to death! Getting topside is quite easy, via walkways, grav lifts, jet packs. This map has more ways to get to the top area, of which is not a main focal point as I see it, than other maps such as Midship, Zealot, or even the center of Sanctuary (Asylum for Newcomers) As for the furgler comment, to comment and make critiques on ones map, one must play the map, kind of a duh.
As a general rule of thumb. If you walk four steps forward and get blocked by a railing or wall, then your spawns are wrong. And your soft kills are NOT user friendly. whether they go on the rocks at all is irrelevant. You placed them there, so they should be for everyone to walk on. And if you insist on blabbing about friends of whom and trolling. Then I would LOVE to play this with you sometime, or forge through... either or. Contradict me all you want... but when you argue with the community, you don't take anything back.
ok... first off, i kinda thought the spawns would be off, and thats not hard at all to fix, and thanks for letting me know btw, wouldnt have known without. and as for the soft kill zones, there's nothing else really to put there unless i make the rocks higher, but that would be off balance with the other side, and it would be off-balance if i let people walk on them, so i kinda improvised. and that second thing didnt really make sense but ya i would like to know you in the game before making judgments. but im not trying to create an argument, if you had someone come into your map and say its bad without playing it, that would tick you off wouldn't it? another thing i wouldnt do is come into someone's map and call it bad without letting him know how to fix it and telling him his map has too little ways to the top when there's plenty of others out there with only 2, those start arguments and i am just trying to find what's useful with the information you gave me, not arguing.