yes, that would be beast. there should be an armor effect were your secondary wepon is replaced by it then you could use it.
Honestly, I don't miss it. Maybe for appearance's sake, but I think the amount of customization kinda makes up for it. Of course, maybe that's just 'cause I never got the katana and was insanely jealous of those who had it. And I do havta admit that I had a lot of fun assassinating those who had it just for the heck of it, regardless of gametype. So now I don't know. But I really don't think that they'll program an assassination move for it, and I really *really* don't think that replacing your secondary weapon with it is a good idea. I mean, this is Halo. Let's keep it Halo, and wait for the next Bungie game for those sorts of things.
We're talking across all the Xbox 360 Halo games (H3, ODST, Wars, and Reach), not just reach, which is why waypoint would have to be used. And yeah, Reach achievements were way too easy, just the buy something at Lt. Colonel one was a bit longer to get.
but that'd be the point! you have to get them ALL to get the prize! I want to 100% them all eventually anyway, I don't think it'd be that hard, just take patience. and time. Truthfully though if such a thing existed, I'd rather get an exclusive helmet or something rather than a katana
With conversational skill like that, its no wonder that your legendary. Also, if its across all games would they add halo 1 achievements? For those who dont know you can buy halo 1 off the marketplace.
I HIGHLY doubt that they would include Halo 1 achivements (didn't know that they had em) because most TRUE Halo fans will not have bought it through the marketplace, but bought it for their origional Xbox's
there aren't achievements for halo 1 or 2 on xbox, there maybe for PC through windows live.... i'm not sure. I bought haloCE on marketplace, never got any achievements for it (yes, i played it)
NO, I meant would they ADD achievements for it. Looking back at my post I realize the idea is a bit farfetched. I know waypoint gives reach armor for achievement milestones, has anybody ever filled the bar? The katana might already be in there!
Not always, you dont see the gold visor when you first start. And if you mean you are able to see it in waypoint, they could still hide it. Theres no rule that requires them to show it.
Halo 2 Vista has them. Halo CE doesn't, nor are they really planning on it as far as I know. There's really no point honestly. It would take too much work to go through an old game and set things in right. The only reason they did it for H2V is because they were already going through the game to change things anyways. I'd rather them not bring it back. I'd rather them get inventive and implement something new and better than the Katana.
Thing is, I bet there are a bunch of Halo superfanboys who have all the achievements for all the halo games (even including H2 PC and marathon) and we would have heard about it by now.
oh, for sure. we're not saying its there, it'd just be cool if there was something like that. although has anyone seen the four hidden banshees on the last level? there are two switches you have to hit, and they are fairly far apart. that has to do with some type of vidmaster we haven't heard of, right? just a thought. edit: second to last mission here's the vid
oh i know it means nothing at the moment. I just mean those 4 banshees being there could be used later for some kind of 4 player co op achievement. I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised
I doubt it, I was probally there so the mission designer could have fun, and then he probabbly chose to not remove them. Same with most other easter eggs, credit or fun.
guess so, but I was brainstorming on the whole idea and wondering what you guys thought. And i hope when you said "next Bungie game" isn't halo because they arent making them anymore. Reach was the last of the Franchise.
The Halo 3 security helmet was unlocked at 1000 GS for Halo 3 as was the Katana. I was hoping that something would appear for Reach at this but people have already got 1000 GS and nothing unlocked. I think a revolver utility would be AWESOME! Hopefully they make some cool DLC additions to the armory (they better all be free or super cheap though).
' Thing is the origional Halo 3 1000 GS was actually a challenge to get, whereas Halo: Reach is extremely easy, as long as you play enough to get Lt. Col (would have been a challenge if you couldn't cheese the 1M points