Epicurean is a symmetrical slayer map with red and blue sides. I wanted a spacious feeling that I don't usually get from forged maps, and this delivers. Gameplay was my first priority. While I don't think the aesthetics suffer for it, the map is made for performance. This map supports: Slayer (FFA, TS, and multi-team) Assult CTF KOTH Oddball Headhunter I don't play enough objective to really have a sense about how well these game-types are set up and helpful suggestions on that point would be great. Weapons: 1 Shotgun (150 sec) 1 Sniper (150 sec) 1 Grenade Launcher (120 sec) 2 Needlers (60 sec) 2 Needle Rifles (30 sec) 2 Magnum Pistols (30 sec) 2 Plasma Pistols (30 sec) 2 Assault Rifles (30 sec) 10 DMRs (30 sec) 3 Health packs (30 sec) top center lift blue side top bunker top blue base ramp side overview ramp side exterior hall ramp side exterior hall sniper nook interior red side base arch ramp top from red to lift top lift side red base foyer under arch ramp to lift top lift bottom (shotgun room) Thanks for your comments, enjoy.
WOW! This looks incredible. Really good job with the aesthetics. Will DL and comeback at another time.
Updated a few things based on comments: - Turned brace tunnels at top lift around to match aesthetics of others along top base sides. - Added clips to the grenade launcher (5 rounds instead of 2). [br][/br]Edited by merge: Map now supports Assult, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, and Headhunter game-types in addition to Slayer. (link updated).
It looks interesting. It has a lot of objects, therefore, I am afraid of lag issues, but I looks interesting overall. I looks like you cared for gameplay more than aesthetics, so I should better be good, I will test it this Winter break
Well spacious sounds about right. With all the images you provided the spaces feel very open and also managing uniqueness. I am at work but I want to check this one out further. Downloading and I'll look around it and try to play in it tonight. --------------- Alright so I flew around last night in your map and I gotta say this is one unique looking map. I wish I had had some friends on to play it. Your play on elevation is what really stood out to me. I always seem to have a lot of flat floor in my maps and I really enjoyed how you varied the spaces with elevation. It looked great on top of that and all the spaces were quite unique. Also, despite using a smaller area of the coliseum, this map felt much larger than most that use this same area. Great work. A couple of concerns though. Outside the map where you have the pyramid and sniper spawn is a potential camp spot especially since the pyramid can be climbed. Quite an unfair advantage area. (Again i haven't actually played) The other concern is some of your respawn points. In forge mode I stood in a few and looked at my first sight as if I would be spawning. And some of the initial views were lackluster and could be hard to discern where exactly I was on the map. Mind you this was not all of the spawns by any means. But a good number of them could be enhanced. A small twist or minor relocation could enhance this greatly. Seriously though, feels like a great map. I can't wait to get a match in on it. I also went to your bungie account and thumbed it.
@portal of souls - I had the same concern about the sniper nook, and actually made an iteration with a third path to access that area, that connected the upper part (that you can climb to) and the back platform near the grenade launcher. But that just gave a sniper camping there more places to shoot from, so I went back to the original version. And so far from what I've seen, camping isn't too much of a concern. If you find it is after some games, please let me know and I'll think more about how to fix that area. Thanks for the feedback.
Wow, this map is awesome, it reminds of Construct somewhat. Construct sucked. No, just kidding, both this map, and Construct are awesome. The way this map integrates open areas, hallways, closed areas, and layers is awesome.
@Veiled Jester - Thanks for the feedback. Construct was definitely an inspiration for this map. And I'm glad you got what I was trying to do with the map, which was a map that effectively allowed for large open space and height variation, but still played only as big as the number of players in the game.
love it This map is sooooooo good! Perfect symmetry and and notable aesthetics lends itself to being readily memorized and instantly enjoyable. While in reality this map is of average size, its seemingly compact size makes it an ideal warm-up custom map for people(like myself) who do not always have a ton of friends always online to fill the large roster typically required for most reach maps to stay exciting. I especially like the attention paid to some of the more often over looked weaponry, namely the unsc grenade launcher and plasma pistols. Keep up the good work!!!
this map looks good but I wonder if there is any framelag...also I wonder about the amount of cover on this map and the outer area could become a camping place with the set up...
@ iwull wreck - thanks, your love for this map boarders on creepy, but I appreciate the feedback @ anime halo - I haven't noticed any more frame rate issues than any other forged map (less than most). I was conscious to avoid high object density merging. Of course, in split screen, there is some frame rate drop (as there is with EVERY forge world map), especially if you're standing at the window looking into the map, since its so open, you can see a lot of blocks, but as long as you don't have more than one person per box, it should be fine. As for it being so open, yes, it is a risk to run through the middle, but around the edges, there is plenty of cover, and the multiple levels makes movement easier than you might guess just by looking at the pictures. Thanks for the feedback, I'd love to hear what you think after playing some slayer on it.