Ascension v2.1 The Original Halo 2: Ascension Remake ...UPDATED... ...UPDATED... ...UPDATED ...UPDATED... To the top of the tower! This is a remake of the Halo 2 map Ascension. There was limited space on Foundry so I had to change it a bit. YES THERE ARE CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINAL This is not a regular slayer map and will not work with anything other than Tower of Power. As many of you know from Halo 2 and don’t know (Those of you new to halo). Tower of power is a BTB slayer game. There is one tower which if you control it, it gives you a significant advantage because of the turret. You must play with people who have respect and WILL NOT BREAK OFF THE TURRET. Press RB to get off the turret not “B”. If you rip it off the game becomes no fun. The teleporters and man cannons are and effort to kill anyone who falls off the edge. All the familiar camping spots are still there and I even added a few new ones. Try it out. It is a very fun game. This map took me 19 Hours to make hope you all download, rate comment. Additional Screenshots: Camping :] View from the turret Destroy access to the middle of the bridge. A new camping spot. Ahh the magnificence. MAP OVERVIEWS Game Variant: Tower of Power Map Variant Version 2.1: Ascension map -The360Assasan
Wow that doesn't even look like foundry. Great forging. And as a tip, next time take pics after a custom game. The spawn points make it look worse
Yeah i already took those pics a while ago. I dont have acces to my cbox right now so i had to use those.
Interlocking is supposed to make things smoothe and neat, you just invented a whole new kind of sloppy
I KNOW that not all the parts of this map are PERFECT. This map is NOT for looks it is all about playability. some things just CANT be done and still look pristine. But whats pristine about some old rundown manmade tower? Yes there were a few graphical bugs that I didn't fix but i did fix all the bugs that made it less FUN
wow great remake it really looks good. If you want an un-ripoffable* turret then make an immovable warthog. *(i like to make up words)
What are you talking about that looks exactly like foundry. Anway, good job, however i want to see a pic of the middle part. You know with the three diagonal pillars?
I think it looks great even if he didnt interlock it still looks tight, and i think that the interlock police need to just leave people alone sometimes they think the map would be better without it
finally the first good tower of power all the others ones suck and way one sided cant wait to play i loved this
thanks for the comments! And Actually i didnt make the sattelite dish but i think NOW i will. I'm a bit limited on objects in forge even though I used the budget glitch.
nice!! join the club for Halo 2 remakes where do the teleporters go? to death pits or off the map nice idea for the gravlifts like halo 2 remakes check out lockout version 1 and 1.5 (yeah you could just get blackout, or you could just be cheap and get my free ones)