
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Juke777, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    I made this map as balanced as I could. Hopefully some of you can enjoy it. It was made as a 4v4 map with Team Slayer in mind, but other gametypes might be fun too. Although I tried to make it look good, my main focus, when designing it, was on the gameplay. I put a great deal of time into the sitelines and the spacing of every nook and cranny. I wanted it to be the funnest map ever made. I want it to be as interesting as possible yet still retain the simplicity that matchmaking maps have. I tried to make something all of the different Halo communities could appreciate.
    Map overview (the unseen part is symmetric)
    Bottom Middle
    Top Middle
    Red Side
    Blue Side
    #1 Juke777, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  2. SouthSideH1tman

    SouthSideH1tman Forerunner

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    Looks pretty good! im gonna dl and have to get back to you. from what i see though it looks like it could support at least 5v5
  3. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From the pictures, it looks a little scrappy in some areas. For the most part, it seems as if the main imperfections of the map are aesthetics. But I can't be too sure. I'll download the map now and give you a better analysis later.
  4. Peanuthater132

    Peanuthater132 Forerunner

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    it looks confusing in terms of figuring out where you are when you spawn. Ill post back with advice if so.
  5. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    Thanks, I appreciate it a lot. The map isn't small, but I think it is smaller than the pictures make it out to be. It could definatly support more players if you were so inclined, but 4v4 is what it was made for and what I recommend.

    @Benzu13: I look forward to hearing your thoughts after you see the map from an in game perspective! I'm not at all against making it better if I can.

    @Peanuthater132: I actually put quite a bit of thought into making sure the spawns were easy to understand because that's a problem I ran into early on. After I did a lot of spawn perspective tinkering; the initial spawn has you looking down the sword tunnel at the other team similar to the initial spawn on countdown. That way there is no confusion on what or where the goal is from the outset. One side of the map the objects are blue and the other side they are red. There is also an exposed red light on the red side and a blue light on the blue side. Originally the map was entirely outdoors, then it was entirely indoors, but finally it ended up being sort of an indoor/outdoor map which really seemed to help with orientation. If you have advice on how I can improve it even more, after you play around with it, then I would definatly consider it!
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aha! It is better than I first imagined. It took me a while, but I figured out it's a kind of pseudo-symmetric map, with a diagonal axis of symmetry rather than a straightforward one. My main complaint is that the building to the right (in the first picture) with the boxes and stuff, is FUGLY. Sorry but true, bro. Other than that, instead of a green themed map, I think you should add a little more color to each of the bases, because in-game it's all just metallic and easy to get lost while playing.

    Random compliment though: the outside aesthetics of the map are awesome, it is a cool type of cage thingy.

    Random insight: How come if something has only some of awe it's a good thing, but if it's full of awe it's bad? (awesome, awful) Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Cool looking map. Looks very playable. DL from me.
  8. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    @Benzu13 - I'm glad it's better than you imagined. I will see what I can do to make the front of that building more eye-catching in a good way. Thanks for taking the time to check it out. Also, lol at your Awe analysis, you must have been high when you came up with that haha.

    @timmypanic - Thanks a lot! I hope you enjoy it. If you get a chance let me know how things go.
  9. DynamiteDewey

    DynamiteDewey Forerunner

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    You finally posted this on here. Looks good. Fun map!
  10. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    Yep, thanks. Also, thanks for helping with the testing! You're not one of those kids whose going to spend all of their time on COD now are you?
  11. DynamiteDewey

    DynamiteDewey Forerunner

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    lol I love Black Ops It's amazing!!
  12. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    I really had fun playing this map but their are some issues with it that make it a campers paradise. The very top level dominates the whole map if you have a sniper or even DMRs. I don't want you to take it the wrong way though. If there is some way you could implement another way of getting up there, I really think it would help with balancing. I really found it fun to play on but one thing that bugged me was the sloppiness of the sniper rooms and the ramp leading up to it. If you could somehow tidy it up, it would look much better. Also, i like how you placed the grenade launcher where you did since it pretty much clears the room of any players.

    Overall though, it is a fun map but like any map it has some flaws that aren't major. 7/10
    #12 Aquarius Zodiac, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  13. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    @DynamiteDewey - pff...I don't think black ops is on par with mw2. It is fun I'll give it that, but the levels don't seem as good and it just seems watered down. Reach should definatly get game of the year.

    @Aquarius Zodiac - I get tired of idiots trying to review maps when they haven't even played them. I appreciate you playing it and giving me some real feedback. I'm not saying other peoples feedback wasn't helpful. It just seems like a lot of people are just trying to up their post count or something.

    I admit the top is somewhat dominant. That's kind of what I envisioned when I was designing the map. I wanted it to be a place players would fight to control, but at the same time I left very little cover. I mean if someone comes up the stairs and you are in the middle you have very little cover or you can jump down into the most dangerous part of the map. It's a risk reward thing. Maybe there isn't enough risk, but I'm not sure.

    I actually did think about putting in mancannons or something that would put you in the top middle. I didn't though because I wanted to keep the layout as simple as possible, but I may experiment around with it.

    It seems to be the general concensus that the sniper bunker area could look better. That's something that I will definatly work on for a more refined version of the map. I was also thinking about putting a little more cover on the stairs that go up to the top, making it easier for teams to get up there when the other team owns the top. Not sure about it though, what do you think Aquarius?

    O and I broke the 100 download mark. I know it's not incredible yet, but I'm proud of it, especially since it's my first map.
    #13 Juke777, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010

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