Hi, guys. I'm not really new to Halo or Forging, but I'm definatly new to the ForgeHub community. I made a map and people seem to like it who I've played with, but you guys seem like you really know what you are doing. So I want your guys' opinions. I made a map preview, but I didn't get any replies. I'm going to go ahead and put the link to download my map, as is, on here. Hopefully someone who's in charge around here or knows what they're doing can take a look at it. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details I really appreciate it guys.
If you want someone who knows what they're doing to look at your map. You may want to head over to the Testers Guild section. Read their rules on posting as well before posting. It also helps when posting map previews to add a description, pictures, and videos if possible. It will help people get an idea of what they are getting into since there are so many maps passing through here. Last but not least Welcome!
So you already posted your map, accidentally made a second thread for it, then made a third? We can't say much about the map without some kind of overview, but from what I saw in the pictures it didn't look bad.
You're not the only new member to this forum. I myself am in the same spot as you; I've made two maps and put them on this forum and have received 0 feedback on them. Makes me sad But anyways, welcome!
Thanks, General Betrayus, for the info and the warm welcome! I checked out the Tester's Guild and looks like a great deal. I decided to just post the map though, in the correct spot, since I've done some testing since I first posted this. Ya, I didn't mean to cause a hub-bub. The original post was a "Map Preview" so I thought the pictures I posted in the original thread would be enough, but maybe my map doesn't deserve a response becasue it's garbage(It's not). I appreciate you saying "it didn't look bad" though, thanks. That sucks. I just checked out your threads and it looks like you put a lot of work and thought in. Slants looks like it would be a lot of fun to me. I downloaded it, but the Exodus map wasn't in your file share anymore. I'll let you know, in your thread, my opinion after the next time I'm on my 360. Welcome to you too and goodluck! Here's a link to Taijitu for those interested: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/112966-taijitu.html
There are a lot of maps posted every day. If folks on the forum don't already know you from other maps, I don't think it's as easy as just posting a map and waiting for the comments to pour in. I managed to join in on a couple of Custom lobbies that had some folks from FH in them - and that's what'll really get you some useful feedback. I think that the best thing to do is try to form a Custom lobby yourself - it's something I need to do in the next few days for a map that's just ready for testing. (IE, I can't think of anything else that needs tweaking so it's time for playtesting to reveal what needs work.)
Thanks, for the advice jovial. Do you mind if I add you? I've been looking for good customs with experienced map designers. I wouldn't mind playing a few games on your map, you might be able to try a few on mine sometime too if you get the chance! [br][/br]Edited by merge: There's enough people submitting maps that everyone submitting maps should be able to at least look at one or 2 other maps. I've definatly started getting more people looking at my map since I posted it though, so I have nothing to complain about. I ran through Aquarius's Slants map to try and get him some feedback. It looks like it would be a lot of fun compared to a lot of maps I've seen. You guys should check it out.
What is this Tester's Guild you speak of? How to I find it. BTW, the place really needs a How To Section for Newbies like me.
Testers Guild - Forge Hub Pretty simple to find (; and, Juke, if people would actually get up and test the maps when they submit one, it would imply a perfect world, which sadly it is not. And actually the only hard part about testing a map is getting the people to do it which is balls.
By all means, do! In fact, I'll shoot you a request. Impact Strafe is organizing custom lobbies this week to test maps for Forgetacular. The link is right here. I've met some great players and Forgers through these lobbies.
Ya, true story there. Good deal. I signed up for the Wed. session. Anytime you see me on and want to play some customs just send me an invite!
I've signed up for the Wed. session as well. Made sure my wife won't be needing me for anything first, so I should be good to go.
Thanks for hosting jovial. I had a good time. Let me know if you guys do this again or if you just need a hand with anything.
No sweat. The contest gives folks a good motivation to pull a testing session together. I'm trying to figure out how to tweak my map based on the comments last night. By all means, if I'm playing Reach and you need another tester, etc, let me know.