WELCOME TO THE FINAL RECEPTION! Here is the original description: "This is my new competetive map that I made to fit all game types. From oddball to infection, everything is playable here! At least thats what I'm thinking. Still needs more testing with more people involved. Played it with my roommates and it was a blast! The best way to describe it would be bungie-esque. Very competetive yet open enough with multiple routes to be more casual. As some people said a majority of levels created have been really "grey", so I tried incorporating more of the unique landscape in forgeworld and this little inlet by blood gulch was a perfect place. So please download my level and give it a shot. I know its not 100% perfect but its getting close. Any constructive critisicm and advise would be greatly appreciated! Also if your playing my map with friends or alone or just plane liked my design by all means go ahead and send me a friend request (GT:CaptainSize)! I look forward to hearing back from all the testers! Thanks and Happy Slaying! **Weapons List** 4x Plasma Grenade 2x Frag Grenade 1x Sniper Rifle (UPDATED) 1x Shotgun (UPDATED) 2x Needle Rifle 1x Grenade Launcher 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Brute Hammer 1x Focus Rifle 1x Plasma Repeater 4x DMR (UPDATED) (MULTIPLE WEAPON SPAWNS AND POSITIONING ALTERED - 11/9/10)" Not much has changed only a few noticable aesthetics. But I just wanted to make another thread because this is the final version of the map....well hopefully. So what everyone is waiting for, more pictures: The video is now up and running! YouTube - Halo Reach - Forge Map - RECEPTION
I'm surprised I'm first to post... I guess people have seen so many satellite maps it's kinda repulsing by now. But to not be biased I clicked the link and I am not disappointed at all. The map has great, Bungie-like aesthetics (Bungie has their own forerunner-style). I'm surprised it hasn't been featured yet, you know, having a tree come out of the map and all that!
lol thanks for the great comment. The only thing about my map is the satelites, spire and gate are all just aesthetics, they don't come into play at all. Also people need to download this so they can see the surprise behind the door (which is NOT reachable)
Hey, this is a very well rounded map. I can tell you put a lot of effort into it and I'm going to play on it with my roomates tonight! thanks for the build!
Looks fun for an asymmetrical map, but with all asymmetrical maps, is it balanced? Also, you might want to remove some of the power weapons on this map. The map is rather small, and I don't really think it is a good idea to have two shotties, two snipers, a gravity hammer, rocket launcher, and focus rifle all on one map. Firstly, the shotungs overlap with the hammer, so the hammer should be removed. The snipers also overlap with the focus rifle, which is also an overlapping weapon. Besides, I'd take a sniper over a focus rifle any day. Great job about not placing too many precision weapons on the map, and also nice job not spamming too many nades either, I have to give you props for that. Those glass walls are going to cause frame rate lag. I know they looks awesome, but they are too awesome for the Xbox to handle. You might want to use some normal walls and replace some of them.
Like most asymetrical maps each base has its pros and cons. So as far as balance goes and from play testing it was right on par. The weapons seemed fine when I played, snipers tend not to be overpowered in this map due to the cover thats why there are two but Im thinkn I have an idea that might work for the shotguns and snipers. So I'm going to experiment a little with the weapons layout. And I frigg'n hate grenades XD thats why there is only a few . And I'm crossing my fingers on the frame rate haven't got a team game on the updated one yet so we will see. Thanks for the input! [br][/br]Edited by merge: ......well I made more changes....more soft kill zones, a couple hidden path blockers, changed certain spawn times and a new weapons layout now with: 4x DMR 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Shotgun AND positions have been altered
ehh its okay. Not very good aesthetics, but theyre okay. To be honest i played it and it has just okay gameplay. Not outstanding by any means, but its ok.
A little more on the specifics would be appreciated, like what you thought didn't look aesthetically pleasing, what didnt work for you, so on and so forth. Also if you played one of the older versions it might seem bland, I definitely tweaked it quite a bit since the first. It should also be more competitive now seeing as how the weapons have been reduced and moved around. But as far as gameplay goes, I see that as subjective. One person may have fun, another may not. All the people Ive play tested the map with said they enjoyed it, most specifically the layout from what Ive heard.