CTP problem

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nova Sou, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. Nova Sou

    Nova Sou Forerunner

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    I don't know how to post a picture but my map that's for a fee game types is having problems.

    On CTF for some reason only the blue flag will show up. Even with 1 or 2 teams on the blue flag.

    I have it set up fo multi flag.

    I got both plates set as ctf_flag_return 1 marked blue and the other marked red.

    I got 2 flag post both set to ctf_res_zone 1 marked blue and the other marked red.

    I got a third flag post marked ctf_res_zone_away set to neutral.

    Any clue on what's wrong??

    Edited by merge:

    I got a message telling me I doubled post. I hope it did not but I k ow I posted twice since the first one said error and did not show up. I did another post and got double post message.
    #1 Nova Sou, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Flags spawns only become active if that team is present in the game.
  3. Nova Sou

    Nova Sou Forerunner

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    I had 4 on red and 4 on blue team and no red flag. Even after grabing the blue flag and scoring red flag still did not show up.
  4. Curious Corndog

    Curious Corndog Forerunner

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    Have you tried any other capture the flag game types?

    and if so (and even if not)
    how about just simply deleting the ctf objects and replacing them?
  5. Nova Sou

    Nova Sou Forerunner

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    The deleting seem to work this time. Both flags are up but now blue flag spawns to far way now from where it should. The flag post sits on the plate. I never moved them but since the red flag showed up now the blue flag spawns away from it and saddly that's where I put a kill zone at.

    Edited by merge:

    I'm beginning to think Halo Reach hates me.
    #5 Nova Sou, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  6. Curious Corndog

    Curious Corndog Forerunner

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    Where is the blue flag spawning instead?
    It's got to be on something you labeled, and if not, then I guess Reach may very well hate you.
  7. Nova Sou

    Nova Sou Forerunner

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    On forgeworld one of the moutians I have a base at the top. Right be low it is a hill and it's spawning there. Before red showed up it spawned in the base.
  8. Curious Corndog

    Curious Corndog Forerunner

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    Actually, it sounds almost like it's falling.
  9. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    I believe the label ctf_flag_return will spawn the flag, and is also where you bring the other team's flag. (This does mean that you can't have seperate flag spawns and returns, but that's another issue.)

    I think the labels ctf_res_zone(_away) are both respawn influencers, they have nothing to do with actually capturing the flag.

    If all you have a capture plate set to ctf_flag_return, and the appropriate team colors, then you should be alright, which may help in the future or someone else reading this topic.

    For the problem with the flag spawning at the bottom of a hill, it might be a glitch with their being an object in the way of the flag spawning. Try making sure the capture plate isn't merged into anything, and there aren't any objects that might be blocking it. If you can get it to successfully spawn like this, then you can start messing around with better aesthetics.
  10. Bluegobln

    Bluegobln Forerunner

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    Oh jees.

    Ok heres the issue.

    Both the flag pole and the flag return pad need to be marked ctf_flag_return.

    You need to make a res zone that covers each teams res areas you want them to spawn in when their flag is at home. Label these res zones as ctf_res_zone.

    Then you need to make another res zone for each team that covers the respawn points you want the teams to spawn at when their flags are AWAY from the base, as in carried away by the enemy team. Label these ctf_res_zone_away.

    Thats how it works :D

    Also, you can have a lot of res zones, so its ok to place more than one for each "phase" (meaning flag at home or flag away). You could even place a res zone for each and every single respawn node, if you wanted, though thats somewhat wasteful.

    For a neutral flag place a flag post and make sure its team is set to neutral, put it hopefully somewhere between the two teams' bases, and label it ctf_flag_return just like the others.

    Most of the same principals apply to assault as well, though its a little bit more complex when you do multi-bomb, neutral bomb, etc.
  11. Nova Sou

    Nova Sou Forerunner

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    That has gotten the flag off the hill but now it spawns like 5 feet behind the flag post. Nothing is around it either.

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