I wanted to make a tunnel made of tunnel pieces that curved. Simple idea, but apparently completely and utterly impossible to do, thanks to z-fighting and the fact that it looks like total **** in the top and bottom middle. Can any of you happen to think of (or already know) a simple way to do this without all the nasty looking-ness?
Okay, no problem. I'll be sure to check back, and i'll give you a suggestion or two once i see what you are doing!
Here are a couple of pictures of it. This is the first and only thing I've tried, thanks to creators block. Spoiler Spoiler I told you it looked awful (;
Thats weird. I can see them perfectly fine. I can even click them and make them bigger. I recopied the links from the hosting site. I did add them to an album on there, could've bugged it out.
I personally don't see much wrong with the pictures you have. I'm usually not too worried about z-fighting since I believe that players should be more focused on shooting each other rather than looking at seams between objects.
You can do it the way that you are; just adjust the height of each of your tunnel pieces so that they are not all the EXACT same height, that's what's causing your Z-fighting.
Yeah, I had been doing that, but it ends up being a lot less z-fighting a lot more just terrain blending. Like, seeing other parts of the tunnels underneath. It bothers the **** out of but I guess I'll have to deal.
Hmm, yeah I see what you mean, because the tunnel textures aren't flat, plus have those see-through parts. Looks like you will have to use a more texture-flat set of pieces if you want to achieve your goal.
Actually, I could just simple throw another forge item over the floors and roofs. Well, maybe. Conceptual ideas with forging doesn't ever work. It never happens as you planned. xD Actually I went back and looked, and I can definitely work in some 2x2 flat action going on through the middle there. Maybe a 2x1 flat will do the trick. gonna have to look tomorrow.
I was gonna say something like that. Avoid Z-Fighting as much as possible because it causes huge framerate lag, kay?
Call me a forge N00b but whats the z fighting? is it something to do with many placed pieces of the same height blended together?
I did a tunnel with a bend in it in Magma. My solution was to make the two straight parts of the tunnel with actual tunnel pieces, and cover the bend itself with small building blocks. You might try that, it looked better to me than the merged tunnels did.
Z-Fighting is when two forge objects occupy the exact same space (or coordinates) and the faces of the objects fight to show. For example, you'll be looking at a wall and where it blends with another wall it constantly flickers back and forth between the face of both walls.
You can move an object up less than a coordinate if you press rb then a very quickly. It may take some practice.
You can also hold down the "Left Thumbstick Button" while you move any object and it will move it VERY slowly.