Flight Deck

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    This is a new map of an aircraft carrier, the Dominance. It is a completely new design from my first carrier map, Mutiny. It is a Spartan class carrier, with a Nimitz class proportional flight deck dimensions, and has a modern flight deck tower architecture, 30% more length overall than the carrier on Mutiny, more height on the lower levels, and is more truly symmetrical. It also plays all basic game types (listed in Forge).

    ** UPDATE: I updated this post with version 8 of the map. All other versions are no longer available.

    ** Version 8 is the Forgetacular contest entry for BTB.

    I have included a slayer game type to swap the default secondary weapon pistol for a DMR, which is far more natural for mid range fire fight on and below deck. Pistols broke the cohesion of the game play on this map - they just looked like there was something wrong (they didn't look like they belonged there).

    Version 8 has a great deal of reduction of power weapons. Now there are three rocket launchers and three snipers (and one laser) on board, but they have either 0 or 1 spare clips to limit their influence. I wanted people to counter the falcon and banshee, but not over do it. Also, the tank can no longer fly off the man cannon to the flight deck from the dock, but players can.

    Additional changes include changes to the respawn zones. I added wider respawn zones and also anti respawn zones (for team play). I wonder if I really grasp the full capabilities of the respawn zones, to tell you the truth about it.

    Beginning with version 2, I am also encoding the version into the map by the number of health packs you see on the exterior wall of the flight deck tower.

    Here is a pic flying over the carrier during a slayer game.





    The next two pics are slayer games with battles taking place in the center of the ship, which is twice the length of the original carrier in Mutiny.





    And here are some videos of several games played on Flight Deck (Slayer, Infection, etc.).

    YouTube - FD LaserOnDeck

    YouTube - FD OpeningDogFight

    YouTube - FD ZombieHorde

    This next one is a bit long, but it shows a good game play on The Dominance.

    YouTube - FD SlayerFFA
    #1 MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    wow, this looks awesome. too bad you cant make two....

    EDIT: I really think there should be some crates and large container objects on the top of the carrier. it would seem a lot cool and play better with the cover.
    #2 firedrone8, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Great looking map looks just like an aircraft carrier. Looks massive. Only negative I would say is there doesn't seem to be much cover. And all the straight lines will make easy kills... But I haven't tried it so I may be wrong. Nice map
  4. GFORCE137

    GFORCE137 Forerunner

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    It would be amazing if you could make 2. I love it anyways. <3 i dl
  5. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    I know. People have commented on this point through out game play.

    The reason I chose not to add crates/containers is because they break the natural feel/theme of a flight deck. The flight deck is not the only part of the playing area, so I felt it would be best to let people choose where they wanted to play on the map. If they don't feel comfortable on the fight deck, they can stay below or fly over to the island.

    For FFA slayer, I also put a couple of Falcons on the flight deck. I felt that it added to the theme and they were something to take cover behind, though no one could fly a Falcon and shoot at the same time.

  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Had a good look on this map and it is well smart. was only 4 x 4 but we had a few good matches earlier. The cover wasn't a big issue and the map looks outstanding! Great job
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    I am so glad you played it and came away with another opinion on the cover issue. I have seen more feedback along this line lately, so I tried to add crates to the flight deck last night, but no matter where i put them, they just didn't fit in. They broke the flight deck atmosphere altogether.

    Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience.
    #7 MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
  8. Elysium83

    Elysium83 Forerunner

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    I have a simmillar map, only I have 2 carriers on oppisite sides of the island. not nearly as big inside, but I hope to change that eventually. Both have deckguns and turrets. (staionary tank, rocket hog, and turrets) If I get some time I'll try posting it. Check my fileshare. GT Elysium83, map Naval
  9. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Forgetacular Entry Version

    Ya, I played with the idea of using tanks and warthogs for deck guns, but in the end, they looked like tanks and warthogs, not deck guns. Their presence broke the illusion of being on an aircraft carrier much more than added to the game play.

    The idea of two carriers never really interested me. I wanted the carrier to be the exclusive battle field. I wanted to play "in" the ship, not "from" the ship.

    But I underestimated peoples' interest in dog fighting in the air, and one friend wanted a heavy version of the map, so the tank on the island was born and the nearly half of the island became part of the playing area for Slayer & Invasion. While the island represented an asymmetrical element to the map, it was not involved in symmetrical game types, like flag and bomb.

    I am thinking of adding a game type where people cannot use any vehicles, have only BRs, DMRs, and a couple of snipers. That game type might actually capture my original concept of how I wanted Slayer to be played on this map, where aircraft were present only for aesthetics and cover, and playing took place exclusively on the ship.
    #9 MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010

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