Remake Boarding Action

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by longridr, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    Hey all! just finished my new custom map. a remake of boarding action off the original halo. its pack full of everything you'd find in the original, and no improvised ramps to get up somewhere! (besides 1). this is definately my favorite map of the halo series and i hope people who havent experienced it get to. prefered game mode is slayer/ team slayer
    weapon list-
    Rocket Launcher
    Sniper Rifle
    Plasma Repeater
    Assault Rifle
    Frag Grenades
    Plasma Grenades
    youtube video -
    YouTube - Halo: Reach Boarding action remake
    pictures -

    walk-way by sniper and needlers

    overview of red base

    view of level 3

    left of the top level (level 5)

    left view of the top level above rockets.

    view of the level 3 hall way

    view of 1st and 2nd floor
    please download and tell me what you think! all comments appriciated!
    fixed weapon respawn times 11/4/10
    #1 longridr, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  2. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just downloaded, I'll let you know what I think later. It's the best one I've seen!
  3. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. Downloading NAO!!!!
  4. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Just WOW! This is Brilliant! Luv it!
  5. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay dude, I'm in the map now and wow. Bravo. To everyone else who comes here, it would be impossible to make the map any better or closer to the original with the budget and confines in this map. I tried making this, but gave up to do something else. I didn't think that I could do it any justice and you have. I appreciate your hard work. I've added it to my remakes. Thank you!
  6. Bart Laan

    Bart Laan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is a very close remake! Just too bad the Forgotten treasures already closed. ;)
  7. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    haha ya i heard about that last night =( sucks i didnt finish it in time haha
  8. fBomb 22

    fBomb 22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks incredible! I wish you had gotten it done sooner for the contest but I'm definitely downloading after seeing the video. I saw ladders like that on someone's remake of Longest. It brings these maps much closer to the originals and beats having to jump up a bunch of boxes or run up ramps in place of ladders. More forgers need to learn this technique.
  9. brakessk8

    brakessk8 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Very fun to play to play on Great remake! I didn't play Halo CE but It seems like it was a very fun map to play on. Very very fun w/ 16 players!

    PS: I'm in the Credits!!
    #9 brakessk8, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  10. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

    Likes Received:
    Oh wow... this is easily the best remake of Boarding Action that ive seen. Great job. Part of me wishes you'd got it done for the forgotten treasures contest, but the other part is kinda glad you didnt (one less thing to endanger my entry lol)
    Great job tho. you got my download for sure!
  11. ckamp

    ckamp Forerunner

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    This is amazing. Finally justice has been done to this map.

    Edited by merge:

    Okay, I've run around on the map a bit more and the I just have one suggestion. For the "ladders" to work, you really only need a sliver of them showing. The advantages for decreasing their footprint are two fold. 1) It looks better and 2) it makes the surrounding area more playable. You aren't in fear of accidentally backing up into the ladder and getting launched away while fighting another player. Check out my remake of longest (Elusive) if you want an example. I certainly didn't come up with the idea, but I can attest that it makes the whole space easier to use. You can even keep the second "rung" as it is because it is out of jumping height. Anyways, great map.
    #11 ckamp, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  12. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    ya i hadnt thought about trying it out. i havent had many issues with people being flung so im not too worried about it + if i put them further in people might have no idea thats a ladder and might not try goin up. i guess there's upsides and some downsides
  13. LT Forge

    LT Forge Forerunner

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    This is by far the best remake i have seen of this map, to date, most people end up using ramps to substitute for lack of grav lifts to substitute for ladders. The use of one way shields is ingenious!
  14. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Very nice remake. Honestly the only thing I like about one of the other versions over this is how the ships are spaced out more to compensate for jetpacks. It's very easy to jetpack across from one side to the other on this map which would make for some weird balance.
  15. LT Forge

    LT Forge Forerunner

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    It wouldn't be a true remake if you have to compensate for new abilities/dimensions while sacking things like correct sightlines. The sightlines on this map are damn near perfect recreation of the original
  16. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Very true, but I only bring that up as there is another remake that I have that takes Jet Packs into account and I largely prefer that one because of it. It may be a small tweak but I don't feel it hurts the spirit of the map and I think it would benefit this one as well. In fact I would probably prefer this one over the other I have if the ships were just far enough apart where you couldn't jetpack
  17. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    if you want to play it like the classic just play classic slayer. i dont mind the jet-packs, it makes it fun. i've wanted to try flying across it somehow since halo 1, and it wouldnt be a true re-make if i spread them out. the jet-packing adds a new play-style. if you dont play on classic slayer.

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