Is anyone else just a tad tired of Elite Slayer?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Honestly I think that's a great idea and it would be fine by me. Currently Elite Slayer seems overly novelty tbh, and if you had the setup you're suggesting, and perhaps something similar to the Elite Pro variant suggested above or the Covy Slayer alternative that tsb detailed, I think the Elite variant principle would play a lot better. I'd still like to see a separate playlist ultimately, including objective gametypes since it seems like a missed opportunity, and because overall I think the difference in basic gameplay is enough to warrant it.

    I think the novelty principle is possibly why they include all those different weapon loadouts, working from the basis of an Elite variant being something a little different, perhaps considered even a little more casual, they went whole hog and threw in all the possible starting weapons that fit with an elite theme, except straight out power weapons of course. I think part of the problem with this is it relegates the gametype more to a casual approach rather than just being Slayer from an Elite angle, and a large number of the people who play Halo seem to really enjoy this all out casual approach. Fair enough tbh, to each their own, but it seems like the high degree with which the TS playlist caters to this attitude is often at risk of leaving those who want to play a more traditional Halo Slayer variant stuck with something they don't enjoy as much. This is why I think a playlist could work rather well. You could have the standard Elite Slayer/objective gametypes with your suggested Plas Repeater/PP loadouts and the standard AAs, a set of Pro variants, and then the current Elite setup (lots of different weapons for each loadout) thrown in with a smaller weighting to allow for those that enjoy the more frantic gameplay. That definitely fills out a playlist's worth of gametypes nicely imo, more so than Infection, Snipers or SWAT which all got their own playlists based on fewer possibilities.

    Good suggestions and musings so far, though.
    #21 Pegasi, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    or maybe some kind of elite slayer pro, where everyone has needle rifle and evade and nothing else

    just realized you suggested that in the above post. I don't think it needs its own playlist, I do agree that it should be weighted a little less
    #22 IH8YourGamerTag, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Personally.. I hate Elite Slayer. I don't like covenant weapons all that much because of their sheer inaccuracy and low damage. I also hate being a big fat grizzly bear.

    I'd prefer it all to be seperate.. I'd also prefer bungie to have community gametypes in its own playlist too (like action sack) but typically, they're not going to do that.. yet.
  4. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I'm sick of Elite Slayer. Most of the games I've played lately is elite slayer. The weighting is extremely high - the first two options are normally elite slayer, on either sword base, powerhouse or reflection. IMO, elite gametypes should be moved to a new playlist with also new elite objective gametypes, so that there will be a lot of variety in said playlist.
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I haven't played Reach that much within the past 2 weeks. But I seriously have hated elite slayer from the very first game I played. Period.

    I do have to say though I wouldn't mind trying your gametype TSB, seems like it wouldn't be as annoying and filled with bullshit that elite slayer is.
    #25 Agamer, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  6. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    agreed, is anyone actually working on a customs elite slayer thats better? someone should start.

    everyone starts with plasma repeater and needle rifle?
  7. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    I don't mind it so much every once in a while but it shows up in the voting list way too often.
  8. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Elite slayer is kinda a Novelty gametype IMO just to incorporate elites more into the game.

    But it is fun sometimes for random not so serious game, But I usually play BTB so I dunno about TS but I would like to keep it in BTB and TS because I like playing normal games but every now and then elite slayer pops and you get a random gametype you weren't planing for which makes it funner IMO, I dunno if i should say this but i liked it when Swat was in TS and BTB because I like swat but not enough to play all time and when it was mixed in with BTB and TS you where Vsing people who wheren't hardcore swat players and all serious, When was in BTB and TS you vsing bunch of randoms who just doing swat for spur of the moment variety game (like elite slayer) If elite slayer was it's own playlist it would be all hardcore elite slayer players who know who to use elite vechiles and weapons well and wouldn't be such a spur of the moment random fun gametype like it was.(and swat was)

    I like playing seriously and hard games but most of the time i play halo for fun and when gametypes split into different playlists its more serious all time And if Elite slayer was removed from TS and BTB it would mean basically only default rules would be in there meaning it would be a serious playlist as well no where to go just for fun random gametypes.

    Actually thinking about it while typing this TS should be a serious default slayer playlist so I reckon Elite slayer shouldn't be in that but elite slayer should be in BTB(so should swat) but if its not in TS and in BTB they wouldn't make there own playlist and people might not want to play 8v8 elite slayer and mean people who want elite slayer will be coming to BTB and I don't want to play it a lot.

    So Making its own playlist for just elite slayer would be waste so they would most likely have make Elite CTF and stuff or something and would have to make elite slayer either 4v4 or 8v8. which eliminates half of the market for it(i like it 8v8 i couldnt stand it 4v4 meaning it would ruin elite slayer for me) so would be less players in that playlist from the already not many people in there IMO I don't think there is many people who like it that much they just like to play it every so often. (unlike swat which a lot of people play 24/7)

    tl;dr Not enough people like elite slayer enough to have its own playlist but has to stay in the game so invasion isn't the only game to play as elites.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    At least with the latest Matchmaking updates, Elite Slayer should become more palatable. With the Armor Lock loadout getting nerfed of the needler, and all loadouts losing 1 plasma grenade... it won't be the explosion festival it used to be. I'll still most likely keep using my evade loadout.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    ^ I noticed that today too and was pretty happy about it. It was a noticeable amount more playable imo, still not my cup of tea but I didn't find myself getting stuck/AL'd for the vast majority of the game. I actually had some pretty decent 1v1 NR battles, imo this update is giving the Evade/NR loadout a chance to shine a little more.
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Elite slayer is considerably more enjoyable now, especially in games like Multi Team where everybody isn't using armor lock.

    I was hoping that armor lock would be taken out altogether, but since nobody is using that class now anyways, it doesn't really make a difference. Elite slayer's back to the quick paced gametype I loved in the beta :D
  12. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    i would vote for an elite playlist (everything in competitive but with elites)
    but this would take time to make and whatnot (maps and loadouts would need tweaking)

    i would love for some elite pro, evade, no sticks, needle rifle and dmr
  13. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I thought taking out the Armour Lock and Needler class would end my frustrations with Elite Slayer, but in actuality I hate Elite Slayer now. Elite Slayer was that one crazy gametype that you could run in, through the electric blue explosions, laughing your ass off as you get an overkill from the grave. It seems to me that it's gotten dull and feels quite boring.
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i gotta agree with Camo. i voted for Elite Slayer often because it was a nice, casual, chaotic and silly break from the more serious other gametypes. I feel like everyone who hated Elite Slayer a lot, may just be taking it too seriously. Just have some fun, throw some nades around, laugh a lot. Its good times.

    Now its just evading everywhere....
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Look, I don't disagree in principle, but look at in terms of Rumble Pit compared to, say, Juggernaut. When I see Juggernaut I vote for it as exactly that, a break from the serious and a good laugh, but how often is it an option in comparison to Elite Slayer? Earlier today I once again had the pleasure of an initial voting round that consisted of Elite Slayer on The Cage, Elite Slayer on Boardwalk and Elite Slayer on Asylum. I consider a good round of Slayer DMRs or something to be a break from Elite Slayer, and therein lies my issue (or did moreso before this nerf). If it came up as much as Juggernaut or something, perhaps even a little more since Juggernaut is, on the other hand, a little disappointingly rare and I can go 2 weeks or so without playing it at all, then I'd probably vote for it a lot more tbh.

    That was the point of this thread, not that I object to its mere existence, but that I'm tired of the sheer volume of it in comparison to how it actually plays. Ideally they'd leave it crazy (though even then, I can't quite empathise with those who say it's got less variety now when this nerf actually helped that fact that 90% of people chose one loadout for obvious reasons) and reduce its weighting. However, making it more playable and keeping it everywhere does, if not completely, placate my problem with how it used to be a reasonable amount.
  16. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Elite slayer isn't so bad on a normal map, and I actually like the weapon variety as a break from DMR-magnum-DMR-AR-DMR-magnum-DMR-AR-DMR-magnum-DMR-AR-DMR-magnum-DMR-AR-DMR-magnum-DMR-AR-DMR-magnum-DMR-AR-DMR-magnum-DMR-AR-DMR-magnum-DMR-AR... especially with the variety of weapons in the classes, but the idea of giving everyone two plasma grenades and a plasma pistol becomes almost absurd, especially when it comes to big team elite slayer on hemmorage. Here, the entire game which was meant as a place for vehicle battles is marked by who can most effectively keep the enemy vehicles continuously frozen; when you run out of plasma pistol ammo after keeping the enemy wraith frozen for 30 seconds straight, just pick up a new one from the nearest body or get a teammate to pitch in. They should really just replace the current loadouts with those from third tier invasion which would give even more weapon variety and remove the whole plasma pistol problem.
  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i didnt read the whole thread,
    didnt know we were talking about rumble pit.

    i dont really play rumble pit that often, but if it comes up THAT much, id be tired of it too.
    i usually play elite slayer in multi team and BTB.

    anyway, i do see your point and wasnt trying to refute it, just throwing in my 2 cents.
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    its been changed slightly this week, i dunno if anyone noticed.

    1 grenade start
    armor lock now has plasma rifle instead of needler
  19. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Elite Slayer is my all time favorite, maybe because I'm the Armor Locker of the team, I'm usually the one who runs out to the open and stick - AL, that's what I do, it's what makes my team win, also in normal slayer. I like elite slayer because of the faster speed, the higher jump and the AL stick combo...sorry to those who dont. All I know is this: Me + Elite Slayer + AL - Stick = WIN!
  20. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I liked playing against players like you with my Evade loadout. Shoot you with the Plasma Pistol, force you to Armor Lock, chuck plasma grenade at your feet while you're locked to force you to stay the whole time, evade past you, stick you in the back, evade away.

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