Hi all, New member, long time lurker! Hope some experts here might be able to shed some light on my issues with my map. I have it setup for everything except Race and Invasion. My map is called Jericho 2.0 and it is in my fileshare GT: ACA3156 Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Issues: Assualt: I have a Sword located roughly in the center of my map and in Assualt modes a Gravity Hammer spawns on top of the sword despite never placing a Gravity Hammer anywhere on the map, ever! Juggernaut: Similar issue to the Hammer above except an Assualt rifle spawns on top of the sword in this instance.. Weird... HeadHunter: I have 3x Hill Markers that float in the air about 5-10 meters from the surface with no cylinder around it or anyway to drop the Heads off at. I have placed a new Hillmarker and deleted all of these type and then started again and yet I still have the same 3x HillMarkers impossible to drop anything off at. All others work fine. KOTH: In Crazy King the hill moves around fine, but in standard King of the Hill only one hill comes up and it does not change location at any time in the game, is this the way it is supposed to be??? Stockpile: The two Way Nodes on the central bridge do not seem to work.. Territories: 3Plot - Only one of the Territories spawns (number 3) Land Grab - Only two of the Territories spawns (number 3 & 5) Standard Territories - Only two of the Territories spawns (number 3 & 5) Infection: The two Way Nodes on the central bridge do not seem to work.. Also, I only have two safe zones and one of them, the game just places it in a random location but the other is where I left it.. Strange!! Any help, guidance or expert opinions welcomed. Thanks.
I downloaded and I'm going to keep looking at it for little things you've might've done just in case Teleporters - I can already tell you though that the two way teleports don't work one direction (the top one doesn't lead back to the bottom) Because the top part of the bottom ones on both sides are being cut. Make sure you pull those out of that sloped top and let the whole blue part free. Gravity Hammer - Go into forge once with the editing type as juggernaut and delete the hammer that spawns on top of the sword. I don't know why it's there, but when I custom'd with it deleted it stayed deleted. After deleting it in Juggernaut in forge it doesn't appear in assault either in customs. HeadHunter Drop Points - This one kind of mind ****ed me, but I figured it out. You have two floating drop points above the double layered bridge (as in, in didn't reach far enough so you blended two together), on the outside of the sword Y-platform. One of the bridges on both sides has the label "HH_Drop_Point". Change the label to none and that will fix those two. As for the other ones, check objects in known places for labels. KoTH - Actually, yes. On straight King of the Hill it doesn't move. Only on Crazy King I had to check, too, so it's not just you lololol Territories 3-plot - Thanks to a little reading the other day I already know the answer to the territories one. In normal 3-plot Territories the game WILL ONLY choose territories up to a spawn sequence of 3. Makes sense, right? Try changing the three you want to 1,2 and 3, and it'll work. Land Grad & the other territories - It's the same concept here with 3-plot except you can only have up to 5 territories with spawn sequences from 1-5. and I'm pooped. I hope that helped!
Curious Corndog, you are a godsend, thanks mate, I have been watching the updates come through and your help is greatly appreciated. Busy night tonight for me then fixing all these, Black Ops is gonna have to wait!
You are certainly welcome. I know that if I was in that situation and I had been looking at the same thing until my head exploded I'd want some serious help, so it's no problem. The editing shouldn't take long. It was the figuring out that was the worst (; Good luck though, and enjoy Black Ops.
Your spot on, couldn't for the life of me work it out why these things where happening and countless hours have been spent searching online for answers, should have posted here long ago... Looks like you have solved them all apart from the KOTH issue which is way more help than I was expecting! Thank you. As it's my first ever map which will not win any design awards, it was more an exercise in understanding how this Forge 2.0 works and how all of the components come together.
No no no, he has KOTH figured out. KOTH only uses 1 hill that does not move. Think about the game KOTH, outside of Halo. The game's idea is for someone to try to control a hill, while other people try to control too. There aren't multiple hills, nor does the hill move. Crazy King is a KOTH variant where the hill moves around, and for some reason Bungie is obsessed with it, and has been since at least Halo 2. So its not surprising you didn't know the hill in KOTH normally doesn't move around. Personally I prefer regular KOTH. Its much more fun. Crazy King often turns into which team/ player is getting luckier spawning closest to the hill since the hill keeps moving. In other words, one player/ team spawns closer to the hill, gets to it before the other players/ team, then the other players/ team gets there and kills the player/ team controlling the hill, but then the hill moves again, and the player/ team just killed respawns close to it again. I'm not a fan of Crazy King because it seems to have luck issues in gameplay in my opinion. I know Bungie and other people prefer Crazy King because the hills changes locations, which varies where you go during the game instead of heading to the same spot again and again, but honestly, heading to the same spot again and again is the POINT of KOTH lmao... If people don't like that they shouldn't play KOTH.
Nice one eating lunch, great explanation, I fully understand it now. Re-reading curious corndogs post I see what you mean, my bad for misreading his post. Forgehub, you rock, all problems solved now...
I don't know if we needed an anti-crazy king rant here, but my .02 is that crazy king is more fun for non-MLG, non-super-competitive style play. The moving hill adds an element of unpredictability which makes the game more various and wild, and less of the same thing over and over (that being people charging the same spot and whipping grenades like they were about to stop working if not immediately thrown). Non-moving king of the hill removes randomness, but it also removes fun, at least for me. Also, I think the case against moving hills is really overstated. People who complain about "luck" probably don't see how much strategy there is in compensating for the hill's movement. You have to time the hill spawns and be on the move before the hill shifts. You have to memorize the possible hill locations on the map. If you spawn away from the current hill just before it moves, you have to position yourself close to a possible spawn point (or between multiple points) rather than rushing a hill that won't be there when you arrive. And if you have good teamwork, you can coordinate to really take advantage of the moving hill, and do better than a team of good players who aren't working together. It's a very interesting game. You can't remove the element of randomness, but you can compensate for it by a lot. As a result I have very seldom lost games of crazy king if I knew the map and was playing with people I knew.