This month is the month we take time on November 11 to remember our fallen. I ask you on this day to not fight, take the day off shoot-em-up games and remember Lower the arms this day! YouTube - Remember For all who will participated please leave your gammertag bellow
jex yoyo Support the soldiers who die, and those who kill for our country. Taking another's life is the hardest thing a sane man can do, and the fighting men and women deserve incredible respect for their moral and personal sacrifice. Thank you.
I do what I want on my birthday, and yes veterans day is my birthday. But with that said, I will lay off the realistic shooters like modern warfare then, but not borderlands... I need to finish some damned missions on that. Btw, Im doing this for my friends that have joined the armed forces. Reigning chaos
stickmanmeyhem For my best friend's cousin who was killed in Afghanistan. I have to restart Viva Pinata, anyway...
Ironically enough, tonight we set up for our remembrance day ceremony tomorrow at school... We're bringing in a Xbox before the ceremony so we can play Black Ops before when everything else is being set up... But yet, I have homework so I won't be playing. HomerSPC. <3
Agreed Veterans deserve more rights and privlileges, **** reach remember the real folk who gave their lives....