Liberation ***Note-Some changes have been done to the map, which gave me reason to release v1.1. These changes include: -Rock Spires in front upper dish were removed. -Gravity Hammer respawn was increased to 180 seconds -Sniper Rifles only have 1 extra clip -Shotguns have 0 extra clips -A set of frags and plasma grenades were removed from the bases -A set of frags were added to top-mid -Assault Rifles were removed Hey guys, This is my first time making a map with the forge tool, but being in the College of Design at NC State, I know what it takes to make a project good...critiques. So I'm not going to ask you to take it easy on me, I'm asking the opposite. Really think hard and rip my map to pieces. From the lack of aesthetics to every detail of flow, I want to know what you guys have to hear. This does not mean that I will neglect any act of praise and appreciation because its always good to feel some compliments. But no design is perfect, we can only strive for perfection. So please, download this map, tell me what works, what doesn't work, why and why nots, suggestions on how it can be changed and at the very least, you can say "what if..."-because that right there is where you become a part of the map. I had planned to submit it into Bungie's forgetacular competition as a Symmetrical Team Slayer (arena) map, but recently I am having doubts over whether I should submit it as a CTF map. If you could provide insight on this situation I would be very grateful. Thank you for any cooperation and feedback. Map Inspiration The map was inspired by the flow of movement that is reminiscent from "The Pit" in Halo 3. That being said, Liberation turned out to have a completely different feel of network. Map Layout The map is almost completely symmetrical due to slight variations between rock placements/rotations. The bases are exactly opposite each other and each is equipped with its own sniper rifle which is located at the bottom of the base. To one side of each base is the shotgun room, while the other side contains a gravity lift that connects the bottom floor of the map to the 2nd floor of the base. (similarities between "The Pit". There are ramps on each side of the base, some leading to an upper dish area from which you can cover most of the map while others leading to a lower area that contains rockets. There are many entrances into Rockets (even from above) that allow for interesting firefights to take place there. A gravity hammer is placed in the center of the map with a grenade launcher being on the opposite side from rockets. Lastly, the tunnel hallway provides for a direct simple route between the bases and in the middle there is an overshield. Weapons Rocket Launcher (x1) / 180 seconds / 1 extra clip Sniper Rifle (x2) / 120 seconds / 1 extra clips Gravity Hammer (x1) / 180 seconds / 1 extra clip Grenade Launcher (x1) / 150 seconds / 4 extra clips Shotgun (x2) / 120 seconds / 0 extra clips Pistol (x4) / 45 seconds / 2 extra clips DMR (x4) / 45 seconds / 2 extra clips Needle rifle (x4) / 45 seconds / 2 extra clips Needler (x2) / 90 seconds / 2 extra clips Plasma Repeater (x2) / 45 seconds / 1 extra clip Plasma Pistol (x1) / 90 seconds / 1 extra clip Overshield (x1) / 120 seconds Machine Gun turret (x2) / 120 seconds Frag Grenades (x10) / 30 seconds Plasma Grenades (x8) / 30 seconds *Note-I have done some testing prior to posting this map on forgehub that has resulted in slight changes with the maps layout, including bridges directly connecting the base to the central platform and also weapon layout, such as the current sniper rifle location and the decision to include the gravity hammer. These changes have not been tested yet and I'm curious to hear whether to keep the gravity hammer or not. Bottom of the Base-Sniper Spawn Overshield Hallway Center of the Map-Gravity Hammer Spawn View of map from grenade launcher spawn Base to Base view Blue Base Top of the Dish Overview of Center Platform Shotgun Room Bottom Mid Bottom Dish-Rocket Spawn Overview of Red Base Tip of the Spear meets Dish Overview of entire map I like symmetry too. So please download and play test the map. I will enjoy the hate and the love that you guys give me. And if you wish to play with the creator, my gamertag is Naum Naumers 1. Add me on xbox live and send me a message saying you are willing to playtest the map because I am always looking for people to play a customs on it. Thank you.
I can definitely see some of The Pit in this map, like its flow and some, but not all, of its weapon placement. This is a good thing, because The Pit was Halo 3's best map that shipped with the game. You're map looks more like an MLG map to me, with the way it is set up and designed. Here's what I would change: -Sniper clip sized reduced to 1 clip each - because there are two of them. -Shotgun clip sized reduced to 1 clip or maybe even 0 extra clips - because there are two of them. -Hammer spawn time should be increased to 180 seconds - because it is contested. Maybe also increase its ammo, but I don't know how many hammer shots 1 clip is :S -Rethink the precision weapons: remove a lot of the DMR and NRs. Make the map have like two of each weapon on a 30 second timer and then increase the maximum to 4 for each. This is what I do for my maps, because precision weapons are more powerful than most people realize. For Slayer Pro and other game types that let you spawn with them, a lot of precision weapons doesn't matter because it's just ammo, but you get your ammo when you kill an enemy and pick up his precision weapon, so they are not even really needed on those game types either. In game types where you spawn with an AR, you shouldn't be able to grab a precision that easy. -Gl spawn time increased to 180 seconds - because it is powerful and spawn time should be higher. -Turret spawn time decreased to 120 or maybe 90 seconds - because they are not contested, immobile, and not worthy of 180 seconds. -24 total nades is WAY TOO MANY. Each player spawns with two grenades, and that is enough to outright kill enemies and deal a lot of damage. I have never even heard of a map with this many grenades. Give each side of the map two pnades and two frags on thirty seconds and increase the maximum to 8 for each type of nade in my honest opinion. -Plasma Repeaters are not that good. They are just slightly better than an AR, which you spawn with. Decrease the spawn time to 45 seconds and increase the spare clips by one. -Decrease the amount of PPs on the map to four - because one for each side is plenty, as they are fairly powerful. -ARs on a map serve no purpose except for ammo, which never has and probably never will be a competitive aspect in Halo except for power weapons. Also, enemies will drop these upon death, so you will have plenty of ammo. Remove all of them in my opinion, because ARs will screw up a Slayer Pro or DMR Slayer game. Aesthetic/balance feedback: -Rocks mixed with forge world stuff look terrible. If the rock isn't a jump up/trick jump, remove it. Replace them with other objects if the map lacks cover after this. -Killballs can be distracting, and hazardous for jet pack noobs. I'd remove them, but if you really want them, you can keep them because they do not matter that much. -Killzones. Make sure you have them so that jet pack noobs can't do any of their shenanigans. I'm no design expert (or skilled poster ), so you probably know more than me about Halo maps, but this just my two cents and what I would do when making a map. I have tried to justify why I have said certain things with explanations, but if you have any questions on my reasoning, PM me. Add me to friends, my GT is Antares777x and I would like to test out this map when I can.
Antares, Thank you for all your technical advice. It was much appreciated and taken into consideration. I would enjoy play testing the map with you, so hopefully one of these nights we'll get together, but I am pretty packed with school work so we shall see.
I would love to playtest this map add me Alex10687 and by looking at the pics it looks pretty solid with the aesthetics but anything walled in doesn't look aestheticly pleasing. If you have cash maybe make a design pattern on the walls or add brace tunnels to the top like I did in my map. it just looks cooler and don't forget to add me for testing and feel free to inv me whenever.
the map looks very appealing and looks like a good map...but the map might be overpowered with weapons from what I saw in the pics...
Anime Halo, I have taken into consideration the overpowering of many weapons on the map, but it is "The Pit" sized in physical terms and has the same amount of power weapons/power ups that it had. With that said, I have not playtested the map much with the gravity hammer in game, and so that weapon is on the edge at this current moment.