SORRY FOR THE DOUBLE POST DELETE THE OTHER ONE I was checking out another members map when I got the great idea to make a lazer tag arena! We all remember going to play lazer tag when we were little well now its possible again! I have it set up as team slayer with a Green and Purple team. All shots are one hit kills and you have a needle rifle with a bottomless clip. Headshots and assassinations are worth 15 points and normal kills are worth 5. If you go on a spree then all kills get +5 points. The arena is quite dark with many obstacles and a tower ish thing in the middle. I'm working on making a CTF version as well. If you would like to try it out add me my gamer tag is Red Shirt KRT. here is the link to download: : Halo Reach : File Details i don't have the Gametype uploaded yet I will post when I upload it. Purple Side Upper Tower
This is the best "lazer tag" map i have seen out there!! great job! i just played t his with a group of 8. 4v4 and theres no other map that captures the true lazertag atmosphere like this one! hit me up if you need testers i recommend you post it in the casual map section