Remake: Gunship

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by General LiWar, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    Before I had halo, I had Republic Commando. As one of my favorite maps to play with my friends, I figured this would be one that should come back into my life.

    I haven't been super inspired to forge much lately. Probably due to my constant re-edits of my forgetacular map (probably a few more edits to come there as well). However, I have scouted a few possible locations in the canyon that should work well for this map. In addition, I've taken several screenshots of the map so I can go at it without the necessity of having the game up when I do start forging.

    I've also chosen the weapon set as follows:
    They aren't set in stone, but I've mimicked the original set as much as possible.
    Also, a rocket launcher managed to get missed in my pic. The wookie launcher is sitting on the far side of the gunship so expect a Rocket Launcher there

    PS, I couldn't find an official bungie image of the medpack, so I made my own
    feel free to use it in your map pics as needed

    I will probably get to working on this either Thurs evening or later this weekend.
    Release Date TBA

    #1 General LiWar, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  2. The Judge

    The Judge Forerunner

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    this looks good General LiWar, the only thing I would suggest is less power weapons?
    I mean there is a Sniper, Grenade launcher, and 2 Shottys. And maybe reducing the amount of Medpaks.

    Looking forward to it.
  3. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    I did think about that, and all those power weapons and a relatively small map makes for some crazy game play probably only good for FFA. That plan is merely a replica of the original map. I may post 2 versions, one tailored to reach gameplay and one replicating the original.

    On a side note, I have about an hour of free time right now, so I'm getting to work on this. Expect some pics of the reach version soon
  4. The Judge

    The Judge Forerunner

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    The weapons probably would make one heck of a firefight lol just make sure everyone has equal spawns relative to the big guns.
  5. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    You sir, are my hero. Republic Commando was my favorite game for the original Xbox (tying or beating out Halo). Once this is finished, I'm expecting to get in on the playtesting (or else =P). I can't wait to see how you reinterpret this to fit well with Reach.
  6. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    Well, maybe regrettably, i moved it to the quarry. The size was nearly perfect so i figured i could get away with less walling off.

    anyways, here's some comparison screens for you:









    Once I get this all set up, I will probably also set up some sort of gametype to get that RC gameplay. probably lower the jump height and maybe weapon damage since the explosive weapons are unstoppable as they are.
    #6 General LiWar, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  7. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Identical-wise, this is a pretty good map. But I don't see how this map would be fair in Halo: Reach. This map looks way too open IMO but IDK, it might just play like Sandbox, but without the symmetry and vehicles and such.
  8. The Judge

    The Judge Forerunner

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    man this looks good. Well done
  9. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Looks good so far, but it looks like you messed up a little bit but i have never played either of the maps so i couldnt tell you if you did or not.

    im not sure if you should possibly add more cover or maybe some rocks? im not sure.
  10. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    The big differences right now is the base is a bit larger in back and the gunship is on a different angle. the terrain is a little off, but there isn't a whole lot I can do with it at the moment.

    I'm thinking now that I know where and what pieces it can be done with, I might start over and build the terrain from the ground up. this will allow me to have a flat floor in the base and have proper height differences between areas. Hopefully I have enough rocks to do that. This may however force me to use coliseum walls as the barriers, depending on what i need for the terrain.
  11. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    I don't think you will have enough rocks to fully create the terrain. If, however you do manage it, I strongly oppose to the use of coliseum walls for closing the map off. Either build it so its in the middle of the sea and makes the edges of the map fade into the water, or if you build it on the island or canyon or somewhere similar just use soft kill zones.. who says it actually has to be physically closed off? Okay sure , it will alter the feel of the map, but that's not always a bad thing.
  12. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    I'm currently only using 40 of the rocks and most of them are blocking off the surrounding area. I really want some sort of wall though, as I remember getting kills from explosions hitting there the I definitely wouldn't use a straight up coliseum wall, but maybe a block or 2 high just to get the border on 2 sides and use a canyon wall for the other 2. As most of the level is flat with the exception of the big hills, I should be able to use a mix of blocks and rocks to get the terrain to feel right.
  13. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahh I remember the days of Republic Commando. Those days were great. I cant wait to see more pics of this. Good luck man!
  14. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    Well, I re-did the layout in the canyon and although it's not as smooth, and occasionally a bit steeper, i feel like this fits the original better than the other version.

    Right now I have to work on spawn points, then it'll be ready for the testing phase

  15. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks nice. The base really stands out as being well forged but the gunship itself looks a bit... I don't know what word to use. It just doesn't look good enough to be the focal point of the map. But I understand how making something like that out of forge pieces would be dificult. All in all though, it looks pretty good and I look forward to playing.

    By the way Liwar. Would you be interested in co-forging another remake from RC? Possibly Engine?
  16. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    Yeah, I'm not entirely happy with the gunship, I just didn't really have many options.
    I thought about this design but it was way too big to fit. I might move a light from the base and put a white light or something in the gunship so it stands out a bit more but we'll see.

    As for co-forging, my next few in the works were Lockdown and the Arenas (G9 and A17). I always got lost in Engine, it was a bit larger and I worry it'd be too large for reach's limits. But, send me a friend req and if I'm on and not forging myself or playing with someone else, I'd be happy to help you with it

    edit: I went with a flashing red light in the gunship (red alert or distress beacon)
    #16 General LiWar, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010

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