Hollow Ground (Version 2) This map here is a REimagination of the Halo 3 map, High Ground. The general design is mostly copied from the base area in Halo 3, everything behind the gates aswell as the bunker. I started on this project as soon as Reach was released, so many many hours were spent creating this map (Over 100hrs). I forged this map in Halo 3 for custom games and it was second only to Guardian, which is why I was inspired to create this small FFA style map. BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE VIDEO AND PICTURES! Quicklink to Rendered Video Version 3 finished! Look for it in my fileshare!! Stay tuned for new thread! Human Weapons 2x DMR 1x Grenade launcher 1x Sniper 1x Rocket (2 shots) 1x Turret 6x Frags Covenant Weapons 1x Spiker 2x Needle Rifle 1x Needler 1x Energy Sword 1x Plasma Pistol 1x plasma repeater 4x plasma grenades Vehicles 1x hidden Mongoose 1x Ghost Additionally there are 2 Health Packs. ---***Now for the pictures and rendered video.***--- <---smoothed that ramp out <--- fixed colors of objects In case you missed, Rendered HD video is here Don't forget to download This is version 2 of Hollow Ground, and my first Reach forge release. Critical criticism is needed, aswell and anybody interested in doing more playtests. Thank You and Enjoy!
Now that is really cool, making pieces of a map that is too big to be fully forged. You got my download for sure
Thanks for the comment, please let me know how you like it. I haven't had it tested yet and the map is still early in development. I took many liberties with this, and some things were suggested last second by a friend. Check out version 2. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I just updated the map a little bit, so I just lost all my downloads. But version 2 will remain in this thread, as I will list the small changes. - Gravity lift removed from under bridge - Concussion rifle swapped for grenade launcher - There are now 6 frags, and 4 plasma (grenades) - Sniper rifle now has 8 shots instead of 4. - Corrected any miss colored objects. - Aligned ramps better at yellow base. That is all for now, let me know what you think!
This is by far my favorite map that I've downloaded. I tried remaking High Ground, but there was really no simple way to do the beach. This is a perfect reimagination. I will say there are a few things I changed. - I took off the teleporters, because they simply won't work for flag. They're too close to the flags and it'd be too easy to grab the flag and teleport back to your own base. - I moved the sword to where to blue teleporter was, and the blue flag to where the sword was. - I took off the man cannons because it made for uneven objective games, and stayed more true to the original High Ground. Other than that, it is perfect. It looks beautiful and plays wonderfully. If this went into matchmaking, i would pee my pants. lol
Thank you so much for that great compliment! It really made my day better. Your suggestions were exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. I had already considered removing the teleportal actually, before this map was released. But I haven't had enough feedback though. I've only playtested FFA slayer with 5 people, so I still need to do alot more testing with more people and gametypes. I agree that in any objective gametype that the cannons and especially the teleportal would make the game too unbalanced. I really like the idea of moving the sword and flag, which you suggested. Maybe I can make the cannons and teleportal, gametype specific for slayer. Anyways I'm still waiting for some playtesting before I release another version. I'll be sure to tell players about your ideas, and see what they say. Almost 150 downloads and only 2 comments!
I don't really ever play FFA, so those things caught my eye first. But the cannons and teleport would work great for FFA. Making them game specific would be awesome. Also, another change I forgot to mention was I put a shotgun where the red teleporter was. It's an awesome looking little structure so I hated to remove it, but it was empty without the teleporter. So I put a shotgun there, which is also good for balancing the sword that blue team spawns by. So you've got pretty good balance now, in my opinion: Red gets shotgun, Blue gets sword Red gets rockets, Blue gets sniper One last thing I changed, and this is just me, is I made everything right of the bridge Blue and everything left of the bridge Red. (The small building in the middle went red and sniper nest went blue.) It's cool having 4 different colors if you play a lot of FFA and Multiteam, but I personally mostly play Team Slayer and Team Objective, so I preferred having only Red and Blue. But obviously, that is only appearance and doesn't change gameplay one bit. Now, I have to ask, I played around in this map for a while and didn't even know there was a mongoose until I read your post again just now. Where is that little bugger? [br][/br]Edited by merge: I nominated your map in the Forge Favorites contest.
YAY! More feedback! Once again, you bring up some really good suggestions. I can't thank you enough man. AND you nominated me for a contest?! Dude you rock, you are definitely my new favorite forgehub member! As for that mongoose, I just took some pictures that should help you.
When I first look at this map, I see nice aesthetics, decent looking gameplay, and a smoothly created remake. This looks like an excellent map and I feel there are some things I noticed. Please note that this is currently based off of the screenshots and the rendered video. First of all, the energy sword seems like it is placed closer to one of the team spawns than the other. It also seems that one side of the map has better vantage points than the other. Of course, this is high ground, so that makes sense. Also, I might have suggested building this in Alaska, Montanna, or the Canyon as I feel it would have shaped a bit more into the high ground feeling. since you had to curve the map, this twisted things a bit. as far as creating individual rooms, it looks like you did great. My only problems with the aesthetics are the sniper nest (Instead of the missile launcher, but I understand) and the weird grass walls with destrucable shields in them. They look kinda cheesy to me. In the long run, these probably don't matter at all, and overall it looks like a great map. One last note,it would be nice if you made it compatible with more gametypes.
Ok so I finally got a bunch of people to play test this map for the first time. I probably should have held my horses and tested it properly before releasing Hollow Ground. I now have a long list of things to change or fix, including but not limited to the weapon layout and gametype setups. I want to thank all the people who helped me test the map and also everybody who gave feedback. I'm gonna get working on Version 3 right away, and this map will be much better thanks to you all. Stay tuned for version 3!
I really like this map ALOT, but i couldn't stop myself from tempering with it in forge. I made a few changes of my own that i think makes a smoother gameplay experience. Some are remarkably different from the original and others just involve weapon changes such as the removal of the sword for a middle-of-the-map shotgun and so on... If you need any kind of help with testing V3 or suggestions add my GT ChaoticPubis.
Thanks everybody, version 3 is now in my fileshare! Lots of changes were made upon testing feedback! After work today I'll make a new thread with new pictures and a new video walkthrough.
this map is awesome! you took a section from high ground and took your own unique spin on things. definite DL from me.