Xbox Kinect vs PS3 Move

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by jonesmcmoney, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    Honestly I can't see how you can compare the two, but I want to see what your guy's opinion is. The majority of you guys I know will think that the kinect is better since Halo IS a group of xbox games. But if you were to only have a choice between these two and you've never had a console before, which one would you pick?

    I would pick the kinect because PS3 move just looks like a black painted version of the Wii. I really dont like repeat of consoles either, I like it when new stuff comes out. So Kinect would be my choice because I don't need a contoller, and when they start coming out with games at Rated M lvl I'll be sure to be getting every one of them.

    So what's your opinion?
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I hear Kinect is better in detecting movements and ****, yo.

    Plus it can perceive depth and has ease-of-use voice control navigation, and some other fancy things.
  3. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    The choice really is between groundbreaking entertainment technology and stolen technology from 5 years ago.

    Kinect simly is better than PlayStation Move... Well, in terms of technology.

    Despite the fact that Kinect is amazing technology, the possibilites of it at the moment are limited. Right now the only games that are coming out for Kinect don't appeal to the average gamer because it's only looking at the larger parts of your body. While as the PS3 Move is literally the Wii technology but with the graphics to actually sell it.

    In other words at the moment the PS3 Move really is better, but when games start coming out for Kinect that can detect movements from your fingers (enabling FPS's you play without controllers) PS3 Move will be rendered useless because of the awesome power that is Kinect.

    My opinion on the subject, however, is that I'd get the Kinect. Mainly because I don't like the PlayStation as much as the Xbox.
    #3 stickmanmeyhem, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Kinect sucks donkey balls it can't even sense black people (no joke)
    Stickmanmayhem the Kinect is not groundbreaking technology its eyetoy with voice recognition
    The move builds on solid technology

    oh man this is silly

    I hope motion controls die they're all ****
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I think people actually miss what move is. It's Mo-Cap basically. The tech they used to mock human movements in cutscenes, etc. Meaning that it actually has the ability to be used for legitimate things such as shooters, brawlers and RPGs. It's substantially better than Wii tech, but to the general consumer it's nothing more than a slightly more complicated rip off.

    As for Kinect, It's an interesting new tech with promises it likely won't be able to fill. It has bugs still and it likely will never be strongly embraced by devs since it's on a console that is soon to be completely outdated as far as hardcore gaming goes. While I'd love to see an expansion of this technology (someone referenced Tony Starks computer, and I was like awhh I wish).

    So which is the more intelligent purchase? Move most likely. If you want **** to actually play it's going to be there. Which would I personally be more likely to purchase? Kinect as it's actually something I don't already own and isn't currently collecting dust in a different province.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Kinect has the opportunity to be a humongous success or a colossal failure. The tech is interesting and innovative, but they've made a few false/unrealized promises and they aren't as accurate or precise as Move or even the Wii.

    I'm personally more interested in Kinect because it could potentially be the gateway into entirely new genres, but if I had to spend money on one right now, I'd take the Move.
  7. Acrazynerd101

    Acrazynerd101 Forerunner

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    Uhh, I think the answer is obvious

    I think the Kinect is better because i have 360. So, it would be smart to buy Kinect instead of a whole new system. But technology wise the Kinect is more amazing?? I don't know but it seems to me Kinect is getting more sales around my part.
  8. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Neither is better. They are all terrible. Video games are meant to be a way to have fun with little to no movement. Motion sensing completely takes away this purpose. If I wanted to go bowling, I'd go to some bowling alley or set up pins in my driveway and roll a ball at them, not stand up in my living room rolling a controller at a tv. I really hope motion sensing doesn't take over the game industry. /rant about motion sensing
  9. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    >> implying the wii isn't the number one selling video game console
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I'd go with the Wii, because it came first. Its original, creative, and proven. I say originality and functionality are the two most important things. Kinect has one, Move has the other, and Wii has both.

    Oh, wait. I already own a Wii. Along with everybody else in the world.
  11. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Kinect no doubt.

    I always hated holding onto a controller on the wii and the kinect looks like the sports game is way better

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