Although I am an experienced forge user, this is my first (finished) competitive map. It is a symetrical map and currently is only set up for team slayer and capture the flag, but I plan on having it support most game modes when I am done. Feedback is appreciated. I also have made a good deal of custom infection maps, they are on my file share here if any of you would care to download them. I will post them in the casual map section as soon as I get some pictures of them. Overview Top view, Base Side view Top view, Middle Side view, Middle Bottem view, Middle Base view, Man Cannon side Base view, Sniper Side Base view, from Middle Armor Lock Spawn Rocket Spawn Plasma Pistol Spawn Action Shots:
This map looks great for some competitive games, I like the layout- the use of rocks and platforms, the tunnels, and the grav lifts. I was just checking out your infection maps- 1.5k downloads is pretty nice. I looked at your service record; I have serious respect for you man- commander, and you havent used the target locator glitch like all the other noobs out there, you earned your rank. Kudos on the maps, keep up the good work
Yeah as I explained in the two other posts, I kept getting an error message when I tried to post the thread so I assummed that the other threads didn't post.
This map has gotten a few downloads now, so for those of you that have played it is there anything you think should be changed? Any spots that need more cover or less?
This map looks excellent for some competive play. From looking at the pictures the symetry looks great and would provide some good fast paced gameplay...especially when people would use the grav lifts to launch themselves across the other side. I shall be sure to download this and try it out with some of my friends. Only thing i would say is that i don't think you need to put any armour abilities on the map seeing as for the slayer and CTF game modes you can choose your AA at the start of the match. Just a suggestion. Other than that it looks great and i will look forward to playing it.
One suggestion from walking through, not having actually played a competitive game on yet, is ramps from the outer long walkways in. The two spots were you have the large walkway covers at plasma pistol spawn. If you ramp from the middle of the walkways to the bridges where the man cannons drop you at I think you'll find you open up play to those walkways more and they are not going to be such a choke point. Other than that it's a sweet map, and I look forward to playing it with my friends. Great Job! If anyone brings up issues when we play it I'll let you know.
I submitted this map to MLG, and on their custom settings players don't spawn with armor abilities, which is why AL is on the map. I was definitely thinking about adding something like that, but at the suggestion of a friend I decided to just make it a jump up. With a ramp there players would be able to get to the plasma pistol spawn faster by taking the man cannon than they would by taking the bridge.
Rating Eminence Enjoyment: The symmetry of this map got me excited to play. The setup is simple with matching snipers on each side. Rockets at bottom center makes for great battles. On the two sides of the map sits plasma pistols which gives some incentive to keep the game flow moving. The jumps felt a bit lacking, missing key fights do to unclean jump lines. Balance: Being a symmetric competitive map the author stayed true to keeping the power weapons modest and fair. The spawns worked properly, and did not find any conflicts. If you can achieve both sides of the map makes for an easy win. Leaving few spawn points a secret. This map gives the player everything you expect out of an MLG map, unfortunately if the teams are lop sided the more skilled teams will dominate. The very top center of this map gives are great bird’s eye view for the third player as a sniper, leaving a sea of newly spawned bodies in their wake. Durability: With many hills, corners, and a good team this map seems to scream objective. The slayer game type was a bit repetitious, but many of the objective games made for one hell of a game. The objective just seemed to be out of reach, did not see any major issues in spawns here either. Aesthetics: Blocks were seamless; found very few imperfections. You can tell he is a veteran at forge. Frame rate issues were not a problem till I went into the map with a free flying camera. The overall aesthetics were smooth; rare to get caught on poor seem lines. The middle of the map is busy with many jumps that are unmanageable, leaving players to go where gravity takes them. (Typically down) Originality: “Competitive maps do not necessarily need to break the mold when it comes to original design.” This is true for this map I can’t help but feel that I am in another rendition of the cage. This is because of the open layout of the map. I did think that many of the fire lines give a great since of originality. However, This also makes the map very busy and over complicated. I would try to find some blocks that are unnecessary and try to clean some of the middle of the map. Overall: