Tension Span

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by HOBO ITCHY, Nov 3, 2010.


    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is my second map for ForgeHub.

    I made it for Bungie's "Forgetacular Contest".
    It was originally designed for Big Team Battle,but I ended up submitting it under the "CTF" category.

    Symmetrical,for all intents and purposes,it is centered around a multi-level bridge that spans the gap between the "Alaska" and "Montana" sections of Forge World. Beyond either end of the bridge,past a natural ,hilly landscape punctuated with stones,caves,and trees,are the bases. Each base has a standard issue Warthog,as well as a Mongoose.

    On the bridge,on either end,in fancy 'garages', you will find a Ghost,and a Revenant.
    At the very center of the span,upon the 4 layers that comprise the bridge top-to-bottom,you will find a Spartan Laser,a Rocket,a Gravity Hammer,and an Energy Sword.

    Also,along the way, you will find : Frag and Plama Grenades, DMR's, Assault Rifles, Plasma Rifles, Plasma Repeaters, Plasma Pistols, Plasma Launchers, Focus Rifles, Grenade Launchers, Concussion Rifles,Spikers, Needlers, and Needle Rifles... *whew*

    Oh,and each base is topped with a Mounted Machine Gun and a Plasma Launcher...

    This may sound like a lot of weapons...even a lot of POWER WEAPONS...and ...well; you're right...but through rigorous play testing,it has been determined that the sheer scope of the layout,and hilly terrain,as well as the multiple levels on the bridge afford for a lot of...shall we say ; MISSED SHOTS that ends up making the weaponry not as "uber" as it may sound at first... And all weapons are placed in specific locations where they 'make sense', and power weapons have been nerfed slightly,via small clips and long respawns.

    The 4 level bridge,though being complex and nuanced,also allows for quick and easy traversing from level to level,both upward and downward, thanks to thoughtfully placed teleporters and Mancannons.

    If I were to describe how the gameplay 'feels',I'd say it kinda reminds me of an oversized,complexified Narrows-Type experience,with steep uphill Standoff-Like area at either end...but in a horseshoe shape,like Avalanche.

    Please download it,comment on it,tag it,rate it,but above all,


    Also within these 4 walls: 1 Health Station,1 Grenade Launcher, 1 Propane Tank.
    Directly opposing,is an identical room,but spawning a Revenant instead. So; in the map there are 2 Ghosts,and 2 Revenants. I will say to you now,this map gets pretty Revenant Heavy,so arm yourself accordingly!

    This shot kinda shows the layout of the 4 Garages,and the Sniper Towers on either end of the Top Level...lookit that lil' Blue Guy 15 feet below the Sniper Tower! Also,this shot shows how sniping across the Chasm can be fun!

    Here we see the "Gazebo",atop the highest layer of the bridge...this is the Laser Spawn. In here there are also 4 fusion coils,so camp at your own risk. Just outside the Gazebo,note the Plasma Launcher...this is also the depositing end of the Man Cannon Lift from the BOTTOM LEVEL.

    Ah,the ol' Front Yard.
    Note how each base has a natural flow for vehicles to approach and exit in one arching movement. And in the center of this loop,on both sides,is a rock cave-like-structure for posting up and fending off approaching baddies.
    Base Roof has a Plasma Launcher (or "Nade-ler", as I call it!) and a Mounted Turret.
    Also, I'd like to point out that ,since it's really hard to have weapons spawn in Grass,and other natural areas,and have them even be VISIBLE to a player walking by,I opted to have every weapon that spawns in the "Natural Area" thoughtfully placed on a terrain-embedded 1v1 Block, for easy visibility.

    Several Sweet Layers of Delicious Carnage.
    Note the Active Camo spawn in the center of the Bottom Level Dish---there's an Overshield on the respective "other side".

    The traditional way to get here involves a long journey to the bottom level of the bridge,and taking the mancannon up to the top,then hoofin' it to the far reaches of the top level...or you could just grab that jetpack spawn there.


    In the picture above,the Blue chap is bout to walk through a teleporter. That teleporter takes him HERE: (Where the blue guy at the right is popping out from).
    From there,it's just a straight line to the Sword Spawn in the middle,where you can quickly teleport directly to level 3,the ROCKET SPAWN...Sword and Rockets...you KNOW you want 'em both. Otherwise,skip the sword,skip the teleporter,and take a turn,left or right, to the Dish Platforms...One side has Camo,the other,Overshield...then it's a quick mancannon jump up to the TOP LEVEL.

    Accessible only by teleporting from the bottom,or jetpacking, this room is a tempting place to camp...just beware of the ceiling-mounted Plasma Cores. and the sudden arrival of enemies from the teleporter you rode in on!
    (like THIS poor fella! - Yup- He wanted Sword and Rockets both!)
    (Who am I kiddin' - that's me!)
    Oh,and that floor-mounted diagonal block in the center by the red guy?- That's the HAMMER SPAWN.
    Oh,and I gotta say,those rooms guarded by shield doors have Shotguns just inside the door,and it makes for some crazy cat-n-mouse situations!

    For those more ... "2-dimensionally inclined".
    #1 HOBO ITCHY, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  2. starcrusher

    starcrusher Forerunner

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    Interesting, me and my friend will play this. I have a similiar map. I like where u put the ghost. overall, 6.5/10 (i am a harsh grader.
  3. Grimz0r

    Grimz0r Forerunner

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    Looks like a very creative and interesting map!
    The only worry i would have would be if both teams rush for the bridge at the start of a match, whoever wins would hold all power weapons and vehicles and be unstoppable for the rest of the match.
    Have you done any large scale testing of the map?
  4. Lazerfish

    Lazerfish Forerunner

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    the only suggestion i can think of would be to add railings. It may take a while, but it adds to the map both aesthetically and for playability.

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    @ Starcrusher-
    "me and my friend will play this. ...overall, 6.5/10 (i am a harsh grader."

    I recommend you play it before grading it. The pictures simply don't do it justice.

    @ Grimz0r-
    "The only worry i would have would be if both teams rush for the bridge at the start of a match, whoever wins would hold all power weapons and vehicles and be unstoppable for the rest of the match.
    Have you done any large scale testing of the map?"

    So,because of the sheer size of the map,it's hard to rush any one power weapon without being sorta exposed,or otherwise equalized by some other risk. Also,all power weapons have long respawn times and limited ammo

    For examples,lets start at the top,and go down:

    At the very TOP layer of the map,there is a gazebo looking thing- in it,there is a Laser. But,there is limited ammo,and there is a 180 second (I think) respawn time on it,and to get there,you need to either jump up from the mancannons,which involve being exposed to fire,not to mention the roundabout way you need to get there,which takes extra time.

    At the NEXT layer is the Rocket Spawn. One spare clip,120 (I think) second respawn.
    While this spawn puts you in a little open room overlooking the bridge,which is perfect for intercepting vehicles,you are also constantly reminded of the danger of being there by the hum of the two plasma batteries fixed to the ceiling above you. Not to mention,the ONLY way to get into the Rocket Spawn perch is via the teleporters on the BOTTOM layer of the bridge...that,or jetpacking.

    The MAIN BRIDGE level has the Hammer spawn in the center. This area is basically completely exposed to fire from nearly all directions,and the hammer has a 120 second respawn time.

    At the BOTTOM level,in the center,we find the Energy sword. It takes going all the way down there to get to it,and you are exposed to fire from either end of the bridge...think; the rocket spawn from "Narrows".

    While all of these are individually powerful weapons,you must keep in mind that the bridge has technically 4 separate levels,and once you're on one level,the other levels are outside of your killing range,so YEAH- no one person can dominate the map at any one time...

    I hope that answers your concerns,and I REALLY hope you can play it and come back and re-comment post-game! :)

    Edited by merge:

    I actually worked on this map for 2 weeks,building and re-building nearly every portion.

    Originally there were railings on EVERY edge...as well as many other more complicated and,arguably more attractive features,but I started running into framerate problems that undeniably affected the play experience for the worse. I eventually opted for an approach of - Fewer objects that are larger made for better framerates than more small objects that looked sweet...and,ultimately,there aren't really any areas where you really NEED railings to keep falling from the edge,unless it's a platform that's obvious that you will fall if you keep walking (like the dish platforms that the mancannons are on.)...and,actually,I found that it's kinda nice to be able to drop from one layer down to the next quickly in a firefight without needing to jump and expose yourself to 2 more seconds of fire.
    #5 HOBO ITCHY, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    This looks really great. I'm going to go ahead and give it a DL and try to test some BTB on it for you.

    I'm working on a coforge of a similar styled map:
    a BTB monstrosity that connects Alaska and Montana together,
    however my map has a completely different layout and scope.

    Im interested in seeing how yours plays out, because mine was originally more similar
    to this design, but i revamped and enlarged it instead.

    Once i get a good test to provide more feedback with, i will return with more educated commentary,
    but what i can say from the pictures is that:

    1) it looks amazing
    2) im concerned about the bridge being multi-level, and it being too much of a magnet for players.
    im also concerned about sniping across the ravine.

    like i said, ill report back with actual playtest feedback once i can get it done.

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    PLEASE DO play it in BTB and let me know how it goes!
    As far as your current observations go:
    1) Thanks...it looks even better in play... I'm no screenshot genius.
    2) Well,the bridge IS a magnet,in the sense that it draws you there for the candy that you will find...but in Objective games,(CTF,and ASSAULT),the bridge ends up being surprisingly trivial and most of the action ends up occuring in the natural areas in between the end of the bridge and the base...it feels alot like the standoffs on "Standoff"!

    And sniping across the ravine:-it's sweet!...the sniper on each side has no extra ammo,just 4 bullets,and a 90 second respawn,but the sheer distance makes it hard to land a solid shot,not to mention the cover provided by rocks and structure.

    Please,drop back in after playing it and let me know your thoughts!
    #7 HOBO ITCHY, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  8. Grimz0r

    Grimz0r Forerunner

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    Well im about to DL so ill let you know my thoughts but as ill be by myself it wll be hard to judge as its a BTB map.
    As for my previous post, i was only judging off the pictures so if you had already taken that into account then im sure i have nothing to worry about.

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    No worries.
    If you check it out by yourself,Awesome!...come back and tell me what you think.

    If you get some friends together and are able to do a BTB,even BETTER!

    I have played it with small parties as well and it totally works well.
    I have a video in my file share you can download and watch of a 3v3 CTF game.

    Also,Stockpile and Head Hunter are GREAT on it!
  10. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, nice job! I had this same idea to link those two pieces of land together for BTB type gameplay, but I never got around to it. Nice work, I'll dl and run through it tonight.

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Cool! Make sure do come back here and let me know how you liked it!
  12. Grimz0r

    Grimz0r Forerunner

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    Hey sorry i got caught up in all the maps i DLed!
    I had a run round in this by myself and found it pretty cool, i think the 2x revenants could be a problem if they both found their way into 1 teams hands but there would be enough power weapons to take them out anyways.
    Also i was a bit confused by the amount of teleporters but i guess if you played it more than once u would remember!
    I like the idea of having the power weapons right on the middle line of a symmetrical map so that theres a fight right at the start to get to them. And i guess players would have to decide which to get as 1 team couldnt really get them all.
    All up, nice map and would probly be great fun for some BTB CTF!
  13. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Looks like a fun BTB! I will Download it.
  14. irishbeatdwn

    irishbeatdwn Forerunner

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    ya, this is a really fun map, pictures dont even come close to what the gameplay is like. Play before grade

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for coming back!

    Everything you said about the revenants is true ; it could be a'problem' if one team got both revenants,yes...and,yes, there are enough power weapons to take them out anyways. :)

    As for Teleporters, it's pretty logical,once you use them a couple times:
    The ones at the ends of the bridge,main level,are 2-way teleporters that drop to the same end of the bridge bottom level
    (or up,depending on which way you're going)
    ...it's almost like an elevator,as the 2 are almost directly above/below each other.
    Then in the MIDDLE of the bridge,at the BOTTOM level,at Sword Spawn , there are 2 identical sender nodes (only done for symmetry,since they're placed 6 feet apart from one another and both go to the same place) that take you to the Rocket spawn perch,overlooking the center of the main level. You can only get up there via these teleporters,or jetpack. But these are one-way only...

    And,I must say again,YES there are a lot of power weapons,but they have been slightly nerfed by long respawn times and short clips, not to mention being,as you pointed out, separated by the various levels of the bridge itself.

    #15 HOBO ITCHY, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  16. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You said that you submitted to the CTF category. Why not submit it to both? I'm pretty sure that there are no rules against it for the contest.

    Nice job making a map, I never would have thought to make on in this location.

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Actually,the rules specifically state that maps may only be submitted to one category .

    I really wanted to submit this one for Big Team Battle,but another rule states that you must include a video file that shows the map being played on 'the intended game type' and I realized that I was never gonna get 16 people together to play on it...because I am just that friendless. lol.

    So,I went with CTF...though,even after I submitted it,I realized that their definition of CTF involved 4v4...and my video only has 3v3,since that's the biggest party I could come up with.

    ...ah,my sad life.
  18. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    This map looks really nice. I love how its like a perfect hybrid of three different classic maps. It looks like it will play great with enough people.

    One thing i might change though is having only one Revenant on the map. Maybe make a garage somewhere in the middle of the bridge on the main level. Two just seems a little overpowered, even for the scope of power weapons on this map. Might just be something to try.

    You got my download in any case. ill see if i can get enough friends together to try this map out :)

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    All I can say is; TRY IT...you'll like it!

    The revenants definitely keep it lively,I'm not gonna lie...but then,who doesn't like lively?

    Really,though,they usually get rushed at first,but then as the game goes on,people end up getting into the nooks and crannies of the map more,and the Revs get used less.

    Also,long respawns...and lotsa stickies and power weapons...well,enough to do the job,anyway...

    Oh;the hammer in the middle of the bridge,spawning conveniently next to a couple shield door protected rooms,makes for a sorta...'Toll Bridge' situation. ;)

    Oooh...."Toll Bridge"...that would be a good name for a map!...DIBS!

    After you download it and play it,COME BACK AND GIVE ME A REPORT! :)
    #19 HOBO ITCHY, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  20. coyotemoon722

    coyotemoon722 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks epic, but alas all my custom gamers from halo 3 are gone. I'll have to build a new custom gamer list to get enough people on it.

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