
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Toastman, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments Shoe! The tree in the atrium has been done before (Vanilla, etc) but you also must understand that I had this map made 4 years ago in Far Cry so although it was not the FIRST in Reach, my goal was not to copy others. Barely anything is "original" anyways at this point in history ;)
  2. Nicgottricks

    Nicgottricks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just by the pictures, it looks great, A lot of details. I'll download and give feedback later :)
  3. Seele der Nacht

    Seele der Nacht Forerunner

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    Incredibly well-made, getting a download to see how it plays.
  4. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Embassy has been updated to the final version of v1.3.6! The first post has been updated with final screens, a play-through video and release notes regarding the changes (A few big ones).

    Thanks to everyone for downloading all of my annoying version changes. Unless I was on drugs and there is some major thing I missed, this will be the final version...afterall this is the version that is now in the Forgetacular contest so there is no going back.
  5. Horse Repairman

    Horse Repairman Forerunner

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    This map looks straight-up ridiculous. Downloading for sure.
  6. Celic

    Celic Forerunner
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    I watched your gameplay video on this map, as everyone else said the map looks GREAT, one thing I noticed in the video is near the end it looked like one of your teammates was either stuck under the lift or camping in the water. I didn't know if you had soft kills on the map or not but it may be something to look at when you make your next update.

    I will also say though by the pictures that the map doesn't appear to have many 'bases' and is very close quarters with limited sightlines. Yes, I am a harsh critique but the abundance of objects blocking your view and the pillars you can hide behind promote a vast amount of CQB which between that and your knowledge of the map allowed you to almost get a perfection.

    Possibly lower shotgun ammo to no spare clips and remove a few health stations as everywhere you went you seemed to have a health pack next to you.

    Overall though (being a tough judge) I would give it a 9.5/10 for aesthetics, 8/10 for gameplay (judging from your video)
  7. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    About the guy under the mancannon in the water:
    Already fixed in the actual map - that video is slighty old but not enough for me to care anymore. The lift has been fixed and has a soft kill in the water. You'll see in the finished map that the man cannon is actually a tilted grav lift.

    About nearly getting perfection: In the videos I haven't rendered I get 5 kills in 10 minutes. I just had a good run. I do have the health packs memorized but doesn't everyone once they play a few times? Shotgun ammo is the Bungie default as is sniper. This map is supposed to be heavy CQB with a few medium distance battles. There are no "bases" because real locations don't have purpose-built battle stations.

    Thanks for the comments and I hope you like it!
    #67 Toastman, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  8. Horse Repairman

    Horse Repairman Forerunner

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    I played a Snipers FFA on this map and it was incredible. Even without being familiar with the layout of this map, I was able to navigate it without trouble because of its solid flow. It is rare that you find an indoor map with such a welcoming design, but this map has captured it.
  9. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You know I never played it on FFA Snipers or Team Snipers since I was so focused for the TS Contest. I am glad you liked it though. I hear so often how the map caters to CQB and the fact that people can rock out the big guns easily is good news!
  10. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    This map has always been an absolute blast to play, even throughout the many, many (many, many, many, etc) changes. An excellent, unique, asymmetrical layout is something I love in a map. So many neat little parts of the map where you can play neat tricks and such.

    I loved hiding under the lowered tunnel piece just up the ramp from the grenade launcher during Crazy king. It took the other players a little while to figure out why it was always contested.

    Playing neat tricks on people with the teleporter to the turret room and dropping down will always be fun. Sending a hologram up the ramp while taking the mancannon toward the concussion rifle is also a great fun tactic for messing with people.

    This is one of the maps I hope really makes it into matchmaking.
  11. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The man cannon on the outer walk was a very last minute addition to compensate for the confined walkway as the only route up. You can jump from the top to the bottom and I needed to make it accessible from both directions. Your use of the hologram proves that it was a good move adding it. YAY!

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