Hey everyone, thanks for checking out my map. This is Crucifix, a city sector cut off from the outside world by a strict quarantine. As supplies become scarce, skirmishes break out between the opposing city factions. Control the sector, kill or be killed! Crucifix is perfectly symmetrical and suits CTF, Neutral Flag and Territories as well as various FFA games. It is basically a large rectangle, 2 bases at one end are seperated by barriers and a small body of water. This forces players to traverse pretty much the entire map to reach the opposing base. Under the main level there is some drainage ditches with tunnels, hiding teleporters for quick getaways. In between the 2 bases there is a high lookout which is only available by a teleporter at the far end of the map. Weapons list: 3xDMR 2xNeedle Rifle 2x Concussion Rifle 2xNeedler 2xSniper Rifle 2xPlasma Repeater 1xShotgun 1xRocket Launcher 1xSpartan Laser 4xPlasma Grenade 8xFrag Grenade This was my 1st forge creation and basically just made it up as i went along so would love some feedback on it.
Heres link how you get those pics straight here not with link http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html
Thanks alot jones, if you find any problems or have any suggestions let me know? Vince: There is kill zones around the top/outside of the map to discourage any curious jetpackers. But as it was mainly designed for CTF and the standard CTF gametype has no jetpacks (im pretty sure?), it shouldnt really be a problem. I would have made the walls higher but ran out of budget.
Nice looking map. I am fond of symmetric maps and this one is put together really well. My only concern is the spawn points, or rather the lack there of. I personally think there needs to be more respawn points. The design is great, I'm flying around in forge right now and I just love the set up of this map. But, like I said, I feel that there are not enough respawn points.
Thanks for checking it out, ill put some more spawns in when i have a break from working on my new map. I had the same thoughts but didnt really take into account the fact the map can accomodate 16 players. I was just stuck on where to put more spawns as i wanted them all on the main level.
Hey Grim, map looks pretty cool! I have it queued to download and I'll run through it when I get home from work. I too like the symmetrical maps. My map is symmetrical as well, if you would like to check it out, the link to my Forge Hub post is in my signature. I'll provide feedback after I play a few rounds on your map. Thanks
I don't see Jesus on a cross! The map name lied to me!! BTW, even though it plays well, the only problem, which isn't your fault, is the grey forruner objects. It seems as if it takes the fun and colorfulness away from maps.
Yes its ugly as hell isnt it! I thought the water might help but blue and grey arent hugely different. Not much you can really do though with only 1 texture on the objects. I went for a much greener approach on my next map because after making this i was sick of looking at forerunner grey!