Breaking Waves Raceway T4K Shadow "The breaking waves are silenced by the roaring engines racing around them. Smooth racetrack by T4K Shadow." My latest Halo Reach Racetrack! I finished building this some time last week but got too distracted by Fable III to get around to uploading it and posting it here. But now I finally want to show you guys one of my proudest creations so far in Halo Reach. This racetrack has many banked turns, hills, a jump, and two beast things for aesthetics, not really sure what they are but I thought they looked....cute. I only have a Youtube video here for you today, but please don't let this put you off, actually it should give you a better feel for the map, much better than pictures IMO. YouTube - Halo Reach Amazing Racetrack - Breaking Waves Raceway Enjoy and if you like it remember to recommend to your friends and check out my other racetracks. "They just keep getting better!" Download
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He doesn't need pictures, he has an embedded video. Great track Shadow, you seem to always make your tracks in unique locations. I'm still hoping you'll remake Razorback.
I never thought about re-making one of my Halo 3 tracks.....hmmm interesting idea! Razorback was good but the jumps usually messed up, especially the first one =] It was because of the angle, it was great when everything worked though!
Really? I don't remember the first jump ever NOT working. If anything I thought it was the second. Then again, I do have bad memory. The only thing I would look into changing has making the banks a little less steep, because the camera angles were weird sometimes. You'll definitely have to find another unique location like you've been doing so far.
Indeed. I'm running out of cool locations though! Actually I still have a space along the cliffside to the right of the colloseum, like right in the corner. The second jump was much more consistent, because the majority of times on the first jump the mongoose would rear backwards so your almost vertical, then when you landed it always flipped you over. I added the thumbnail and a couple of overview pictures to the thread, but I Still strongly recommend you all watch the video, I don't believe pictures are all that good. I'm seriously considering remaking Razorback now, it will be hard making it look like the old one though, because that was all luckily made, especially how the jumps crossed in the middle xD
Love the flowing corners throughout this, the first jump/dropoff thing has a sloppy landing (for me at least), but overall this plays very well. One other thing I'm not exactly fond of, (but doesn't detriment the track, just a personal opinion) is needing to wait for the bridge to spawn in the beginning. This will be staying on my harddrive for sure though.
I played this map in a tournament and the landings weren't being consistent, impairing the racers. You just need to fix that landing a bit, but otherwise the map is amazingly well done. I like the minimal aesthetics to the track, and it rides very smooth. Minus the the small landing error, I really enjoyed this map. 7/10, 8.5 if you can tweak that landing just right.
Actually the landing is fairly consistent, I'm guessing you guys are trying to go on the inside yes? The landing works like this; If you land on the far outside part you won't flip, you'll keep most of your speed, the only draw back is you're on the ouside of everyone else. If you land in the middle you risk losing all your speed, but you'll have a better line, so if you pull it off you'll be ahead. If you try to take the very inside route you have a high risk of flipping or lossing your speed, but if you somehow manage to survive it you have a much better line than everyone else. It reminds me of DiRT 2 the way you have to do that jump xD Risk/Reward
If thats the case, then thats fine, but there was no indication that this was what racers should do about the landing. You have to remember that not all the people who will race this will realize that, and even if they do, at least in the case I mentioned earlier, it didn't make a good first impression of the map. Its my opinion that jumps should always try and be smooth no matter where on the track you take them from. That said, even my maps still have had similar issues. Just a suggestion for your future maps.
i found the track to be fun to drive, very smooth, and well constructed. the downfall of the map, in my opinion, is that it is uninspired. it looks and plays exactly like all the good tracks in H3. this can be considered good or bad, depending on the opinion of a person. i would just like to see something more unique from you. you are a great forger, and very great at making tracks. i want to see you up the ante and create something really original, instead of yet another H3 track. like i said, my opinion. not trying to be rude or anything.