Yin Yang 2.0 *This map was Co-Forged by Ed-Wins* We started this map out as just something I wanted to do while I was bored, but after about a month of on again off again work I can say that it is way better than the last version. This map is a symmetrical slayer map, game play is focused around the center with towers on either side for those who would rather stay back, and kill from behind. Weapon list: Needler -2 Needle Rifle -2 Plasma repeater -2 Spiker -2 Grenade Launcher -2 ( 4 shots ) Sword -1 (120 second spawn time) Rocket -1 (4 shots 180 second spawn time) DMR -4 Magnum -2 Plasma pistol -2 Turrets -2 Plasmas grenades -4 Frag grenades -6 Focus rifle -2 Health packs -8 (35 second respawn) Changes: - Changed shotgun for sword. - Got rid of one way shield lift, it's now normal grav lifts. - Fixed the issue with light colors - Changed medpack areas, and spawn time. - Closed off grav lift in infection mode. - Made it less dark in infection mode. - Added cover to the turret area. - Added explosives. While this map does support almost all game types, it was made primarily for FFA slayer, and Red vs Blue team slayer. On to the screenshots : Blue base: Red Base: Action shots: I hope you enjoy, and feedback is always appreciated! * If anyone can tell me how to get a video from my fileshare to download on my computer it would be much obliged *
Is there somewhere I could post this so that others could test it for me? Kind of new to forge hub, sorry if this is spam >_<
Looks well put together, I'll give it a go later. As far as getting testers Im not sure. I've had over 100 combined downloads for my map but not much feedback yet :/
Having tested this map, I tell you now that's it's fun as hell. And you're never going to really run into a balance issue with the weapons layout. :3 Only 'problem' is that Elites can't fit into some of the places Spartans can. Though that could be considered a balancer. :v