Gum V2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by sweetskittles, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. sweetskittles

    sweetskittles Forerunner

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    Hello, i am new to forge hub. This is my first map post. As well has my first forge map in halo reach(i made halo 3 maps, but not enough effort was put into them) i am new to this site. Please go ahead and correct me if i am wrong(feed back and constructed criticism is appreciated)

    Time taken and effort:

    I have spent a good amount of time on this map(would take less then half the time if done by a professorial forger) 5-6 hours building the base of the map, 1 hour building mistakes, and a good 10 hours doing the game type support. And boy was i surprised when i found out how long it would take me to do the game types. I had to be self tought with trial and error. with along the game types labels definitions i found online. Has for effort, i think i did pretty dam good. i worked hard testing it through out.

    Map details:

    ahh the most important part of any post, now down to the good stuff shall we,
    this map is symmetrical, for a first map it wold be to confusing to make a balanced asymmetrical map. I tried my best to make good strategy for objective game types- 4 ways to get to the middle level and 3 ways to to the bases. that was a smart move on my part. i added light for Orientation( obviously of course) and the phased naturlal cliff on the quarry. oops did i forget to add this is in the quarry, well i just did so it would not matter right? i think the ground level i added has some nice rock cover and i hate maps that takes place all on platforms.(it makes it feel less of a forge map with geography in the map wich is very important) i mean every one should add forge world map geography. I think that covers the details. please provide feedback if i missing and information about the map so my next post can be professional(i might just use google sketchup to make me from nooby to expert hmmm.) oh yeah one more thing, no escapes. mahh amh ah aha (my terriable evil laugh)


    Well i truly enjoyed writting this post, and i hope you enjoyed reading this post with a long my super duper crazetacular map. my next post will have trice has much writing and i will use dictionary/ for every word i use, i got lazy. i have to really edit my profile a bit dont you know? well sorry for my spelling. till next time, my hard worked embeded pictures, ps thanks for X5 form showing me how to embed pictures






    Edited by merge:

    Hmm one thing last thing, i chose the name gum because it is short and sweet and its catchy. i chose the v2 part because its cool looking and its actually the second version, how convenient

    Weapons and health packs:
    dmr *6
    needle rifle *2
    plasma repeater *2
    concussion rifle *1
    plasma pistole *2
    grenade launcher *1
    health station *4

    Update: this version has neutral flag(not like anyone is going to play it) and a cooler description : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 sweetskittles, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    While I can only review this from the pictures, I still wanted to talk about this map. First of all I agree wholeheartedly that parts of Forgeworld, as well as rocks and grass, should be integrated into any map if possible. However, The map feels a little cluttered from the screens, and the rocks at the bottom are not very appealing. You should try to make them look more natural (a good rule of thumb is that rocks should not be obvious as to which one you selected.) However I do like the arch in this case as it fits the area nicely. You also have a very creative style when forging, such as your ramps which are not simply ramp bridges thrown on as an afterthought. Over all, this is a good map with a little touching up to do. Good job!
  3. sweetskittles

    sweetskittles Forerunner

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    yes thanks for your insight and positive comment. i will try to make my rock cover better. And at first glance it does looked cluttered but by second time you plays the map is looks more or less. i will work on my obvious cover placements. I could spend more time on touch ups but i touch and touch up yet every single time there is just one single little tiny minuscule problem that comes up. But the game flow is nice, i tested slayer and capture the flag no problems three

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