Seriously, they did it in Halo 3 and again in Halo: Reach. The Achievements for the Noble Map Pack have cheesy names, random amounts of Gamerscore and are extremely hard or extremely based on luck. The only one i like is the one where you have to blow up the Research Facility on Invasion: Breakpoint. : Bungie Weekly Update: 10/29/2010 : 10/29/2010 4:39 PM PDT
Are you kidding? Those are all generally pretty easy achievements. The only "random" one is a play on A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, for 42 points (if you've read the book, you get it), and another one to balance it out, at 13 points.
yes I got the hitchhiker's reference. great "trilogy" that does seem to be the hardest one, the rest are very easy. just play a lot, it will happen
"totally worth it" (The double kill one) and "You ate all the chips" (42) Seem stupidly luck based and overly hard.. The shotgun one is iffy.. I've done it a few times, though it is entirely situational. I don't Like situational...
"totally worth it" seems easy, just throw grenades a lot. Stick a warthog as it kills you. At least its not tied to a map like some of the mythic ones in h3
Again HIGHLY situational... I can also think of circumstances in which you can get a double from from the grave, and from a weird mentally simulated hindsight-bias perspective is seems like it would be easy, but realistically how often do these situations happen. How often do you stick a warthog with correctly injured passengers, die before the grenade sticks them and then get a double kill. At least from my, probably, days of playing reach, I have not gotten a double from the grave. I know right, "just play the game for a while and you will randomly get it"... well then, good sir, that ain't n' achievement. That's a random occurrence. Achievements you set out to achieve, Not wait for them to happen to you.
I get double kills with a shotgun and double kills from the grave all the time. Probably about once a day, which is usually a couple of hours of gameplay.
The only one I don't like is the Stockpile one. It's not entirely clear, and is probably never gonna happen for me. I like challenging, but not near impossible.
The stock pile one should be easy, unless somebody on your team decides they want it, and run the flags out of, and back into your captre zone.
Youre really going to complain about achievement names? I mean c'mon now. Anyways, I think the names are funny and they arent extremely hard, there will be guides on youtube after they come out so if you cant do it then wait for a vid or some tips.
Chips don't ring any H2G2 bells for me, mind jogging my memory (unless you mean the number 42, but then thats not really a reference, thats just the number 42)
fix'd.......... ...jaykay :3 While i don't have a problem with them personally, you make completely valid points. I really love the hitchhikers one lol
They made this impossible from the beta. And if you really want the stockpile one, play with some friends and have all of them guard while you cap. Or you can just have them drop it right near the capture zone and you score it. There's plenty of ways to get it, it just requires creativety (and some people to play with.)
Are you sure its impossible? I'm sure I get a lot more flags than I'm actually credited for in matchmaking. And can someone please remind me where eating all the chips comes in to The Hitchhiker's Guide?
What he's saying is pick up the flag, drop it outside the zone, then bring it back in. I believe this would work. What they took out in the beta is being able to just pick up and drop the flag in the zone to get the cap point.
No, that's exactly what they changed. Once a flag is in your capture point nobody on your team can move it, no exceptions.
Earn a Double Kill from the Grave in multiplayer Matchmaking. That's good it will encourage people who are almost dead not to give up. When I know I'm pretty much stuffed I make sure i bring anyone around me down as well Earn a Double Kill with the shotgun in multiplayer Matchmaking. Ever played Invasion on boneyard on the last wave? Collect all of the flags in a matchmade Stockpile game. Hope that means your team because not sure but i swear I've seen people stealing them and camping there since the beta. Because it would be pretty hard to get all the flags in "one round" or get 10-0 depending on what it means specially if you have to do it yourself. Rest are simple.... So don't get the problem. Well then explain the achievements that are already there, Use a heath pack, Swap weapons, Kill 10 people with a DMR, Most of them will happen in your first game and are REALLY simple. I wouldn't even classify them as achievements that's just a name for them. I would say you would have to "Jupiter:set out to achieve, Not wait for them to happen to you." to new achievements more then most of the original ones.
if you want something to do, than do the accomadations. those are challenging enough, and are just what you want, because they dont randomly happen, you have to be trying.