first off its "all i want to KNOW is..." second it would be "why DOESN'T Bungie let me win?" third..........WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!? i see that this is your first post so please elaborate on this meaningless thread...thank you
Fourthly, it's "why doesn't Bungie let ME (or us) win?" /troll Why Doesn't Bungie let you win what? If it's a game, it's because your lack of grammatical skills bring down your average skill level as a whole; effectively dropping it past that of an average player you would find in a matchmade game.
lol @pin. thanks buddy, i didnt catch that! thanks now i look stupid too ; ) ill cough-cough fix that!
I hate it when people join Forge Hub just so they can post some stupid thread like this one. L0x Pl0x