
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ThrowinDemBows, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Final Version Complete! changes
    -Sniper placed at bottom of drop hole
    -Elevators Replaced with Jump pads (Thx to Its Nexn or Rifte Gafle, not sure which one came up with it)
    -Removed KoTH
    -Fixed Kill zones
    -Fixed spawns
    -Crates spawn reduced to 90 seconds
    -Small tweaks here and there.

    DMR x 8
    Needle rifle x 4
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Needler x 2
    Sniper rifle x 1 (120 sec spawn time, 2 spare clip)
    Rocket Launcher x 1 (180 sec spawn time, 1 spare clip)
    Grenade Launcher x 2 (90 sec spawn time, 3 spare clips)
    Shotgun x 1 (120 sec spawn time, 1 spare clip
    Energy Sword x 1 (120 sec spawn time)
    Mongoose x 2

    Overview Rock side
    Front of Pavilion
    Blue side
    Blue side underground A
    Blue side underground B
    Red side Underground A
    Red Side Underground B
    Sniper Bottom of Drop Hole
    Blue Jump Pad
    Red Jump Pad
    #1 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  2. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Wow still very VERY nice. I like the picnic tables, they look very natural and provide cover as well. Excellent job.
  3. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    I love what you did with the middle using those platforms leading to the middle rock. It sections of the map really well, this map used to look open now it just looks great.
  4. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Any suggestions on how to get more downloads or possibly even getting this featured?
  5. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    i just nominated it for featured in the forge discussion.
  6. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Did you nominate it simply based on aesthetics? You posted this very close to when the thread was created. Regardless, I won't be doing any such thing until I can actually get a game or two on it. It seems like you made this map in a truly unique way. Using Forge Worlds natural geometry like I've never seen it used.

    Pavilion looks like an incredibly well made map, hopefully the gameplay is up to par.
  7. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Ive played this map (before the most recent additions) and it played very good and supported up to 16 players well. I thought it had pretty good cover before looks improved with the picnic tables, good touch. Also looks nice, alot to be said about a map that provides both form and function hope other mapbuilders take note and follow suit. I thought that the lower level of this map lacked something the last time I played it, looks as tho u've altered it some. My suggestion was to add some more spawns and a powerweapon down there to drive some of the action down there. look forward to seeing what u've done. all around, it's one of the better btb maps that i've seen. Well done, downloading the newest version now.

    EDIT: I got ur PM and would also like to maybe start a weekly testing lobby, maybe we could co-host it together on some weeknight, I'll talk to ya about it more privately. Cya online.
    #7 AnotherClaymore, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  8. Polymuter

    Polymuter Forerunner

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    Why do you have stickies right next to other weapons? I've seen this on other maps and it confuses me. I treat stickies somewhat as a power weapon themselves, not as a bonus for picking up a DMR or Shotgun. Other than that the map could use a little bit of fine editing in some spots, I really like it.
  9. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    thx for the input, i did a little to the bottom claymore, but not as much as i did to the top. I feel that the bottom has all it needs in the shotgun, but im still undecided with respawns. i have about 5%-10% of the respawns down low, just to get you out of the action. Its very easy to get down there with a way down in each base, 2 in the middle, and the one drop at the rocks. The best way to determine this is with testing, and i've done alot of that. However, its been with the same 20-30 people so i feel like i need some different people to hop in it and give me their opinion too. Not saying my friends haven't given me good criticism, without them my map wouldn't be what it is today. criticism makes quality maps, so the more the merrier.
  10. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    I have been on this map a few times from his previous post. i mean i didnt get his new version until a couple of hours ago, but it looks better. so if i cant recommend based of that, i do now since i've been on it.
  11. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    I have added some spawns down low, and i"ve also tweaked some of those rough spots. I moved the plasma nades to the ramp behind that DMR on each side.
  12. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Its crazy how people get insane amounts of downloads on the worst maps. Im getting views but not DL's, what gives. im not hearing anything bad, so either the haters are being quiet or there arent any and people are just too lazy to DL.
  13. L0d3x

    L0d3x Forerunner

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    I'm just throwing this out there since you wonder about lack of downloads. Personally I simply don't like the aesthetics based off the pictures (but that's just personal taste of course), hence why I don't download. I'd ususally then not comment either...the only reason I am is to try and give you some insight as to why some people don't download certain maps.

    Call me short sighted, I may be missing out on some brililant gameplay here. But I'm shallow, and looks are also important to me.

    Don't take this the wrong way, it is in fact meant to be helpful in the sense that it is a response to your wondering.
  14. WitDarkstar

    WitDarkstar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this the other night in a custom and it played really well. Good flow around the map with the battle constantly changing locations. It was nice that people tended to actually move on this map.

    Also I think it looks great. I don't see why people would have a problem with it.
  15. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. Vanilla had people jizzing in their pants over the fact that it incorporated a tree. You've incorporated all of the rugged terrain of Montana seamlessly.

    I've yet to play test fully, but if the game play is even half as good as the asthetics, this will be 100% feature worthy IMO.
  16. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    This map is one of the best big team battle maps ive seen on here. I've played it since the very original (before it was even posted on here) and it has really come together over time. The only thing that bothers me on the map is that the whole bottom level never gets used in games. Other than that, 4/5 map. Ill nominate for feature
  17. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    To each is his own i guess, i appreciate the response lod3x. and to aquarius, i have increased the amount of spawns since you've last played it. I thought the same thing, i just needed to find the right amount. about 15-20% of the fighting should take place down low. If anyone wants to test tonight around 8-9 pm est send me a request (GT: ThrowinSomeBows) , i have to get a video made.
  18. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    Much better with the spawns, the only thing i could be nit picky about at this point would be the elevators. Its a great idea and it works good, but when you first play it you dont even know its there. maybe just put like two or three grav lifts side by side up against the window and have the base of it under the wall.
  19. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Every time I play this map I enjoy it more and more, great work I'd like to give you more feedback but I really only have positive things to say about pavilion. Everyone I've shown it to had great things to say about it too, Any time I get enuf people together and want a well made btb map to play that is fun this a 'go to' in my custom game lobbies.
  20. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Towlie, ive tried that and i feel like the grav lifts push you too high up. Ill keep tinkering with it, appreciate the feedback guys keep it coming. It'd be really nice to get a review.
    #20 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010

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