So, I started off putting some coliseum walls in the air, all pretty and stuff using coordinate editing. It was pretty much perfect like that, I had no complaints. So then I load up the map again after I've added some other parts to it and saved, and all my coliseum walls are messed up. I simply hit coordinate editing on all of them, and they autolock into the right spot again. At this point I'm a little worried what will happen in a custom, but I continue to edit and figure maybe it's a one time thing. Now I'm back in my map again. As last time, all my walls are messed up. But this time, hitting coordinate edit does NOTHING. They stay locked out of sync with each other. Going into a custom game affirms my fears that this map isn't going to play right AT ALL. I could do it by hand, since everything else I've done is by hand and lined up perfectly, but it's a large, twelve coliseum wall map with vehicle support, and I still don't know if it would load right. Help? Even with all the heights set at the same coordinate, and resetting like that, they still aren't the same hight, same with depth and width, but hight is the biggest issue as it will cause an uneven surface. It's REALLY irritating me.
I can't give you a perfect answer, because I don't know. But there's other people who've had this problem, And I think it's a glitch with the walls as an object, not what you're doing.
Large objects like the coliseum walls, in my layman's terms, have an off center axis. So if you rotate with any slight difference in the pitch/yaw/roll, they won't line up. In addition to this speculation, Bungie noted that this will just happen in general with large objects due to issues with the way the engine registers where objects are placed. I'm not sure what all this means, and will supply a source soon.
I don't think you understand. I'm using rotation snap, they all have the exact same coordinates including yaw/pith/roll except for either depth or width. It's just a base floor, and they were perfect when I last saved my map. They just aren't after I load the map, and now they won't go back into place.
Forgive me, even after a long and grueling search through Bungie's influx of 'stories', I couldn't find the one explaining this issue. I suppose it was explained by an employee on the H:R forums, which would take even longer to search through. Anyway, it is an issue with the forge, not you, and there is no fix other than using smaller objects.