This is a remake of the classic Unreal Tournament map Facing Worlds. Tried to keep everything the same with what I had to offer, and I think I got it as accurate as I could. Any feedback or suggestions is appreciated. The map is symmetrical. The custom game type provided is not required, just suggested, as it gives it a more Unreal Tournament feel. Also it makes the Custom Power-up on the map act as a U-Damage. Here are some pictures... The two bases from a far view: Just the red base from about halfway: On top of the blue base: Blue base spawning zone 1 with view of red base in distance: Once again, any feedback or suggestions is appreciated!
Looks pretty cool, will try it out! Edit: (note: I know its a remake and I judge with high standards) Tried this out with some friends in a standard Slayer game. Im not sure if you are trying to make something just for fun or as a serious attempt to have your level played by everyone but I am judging this towards the serious side. The spawns need cover. Spawn -> snipe, people had a hard time getting into the base. The weapons should be switches back to Phased and not fixed as there is a glitch with this but otherwise the weapons are pretty good. The back of the bases it looks like a tunnel that doesnt go anywhere. You stlll have some budget left, I would cover those up. The design of the level was good, all the pieces fit well. I downloaded this just because of the look. Design 7/10, Playablility 5/10
dang, you beat me to it, I was going to remake this map too. how much budget do you have left, because you might want to add some more detail.
How did you get more than 2 lights?! I can only use 2 lights... I would like to have 4 at least for some of my maps, and it looks like you have 8 lights on this map somehow???
did you try any special fx? the original map was pretty dark. this map is so open, I don't think you would have any problems if you added the purple effect. also, perhaps you could add those asteroids that float around in the original if you have a lot of cash left. try and get more of a space-y feel going on. otherwise, it looks great
UT map remakes I'm glad to see other people are also making UT map remakes. I, myself, considered making this map and must say this one is well done. I've yet to look at any old screenshots of the original UT map, but weren't the connecting bridges made of rock? If it is do-able you might consider making the connecting bridges of rock unless the limited number of rocks you're given in forgeworld doesn't allow you to make a convincing rock bridge. Anyway good job and I hope to remake a different UT map in the future
This is a great map, however as previously stated you need to put the weapons as Normal. I also added some shield doors in front of the spawn areas which might help combat people spawn camping with the sniper.