Burial Grounds Burial grounds is a fully playable map but at the same time has a great aesthetic appeal. Forgehub Competetive Post
Amazing aesthetics man, really. My favourite part is definatly how you've created the stain glass windows at the front of the church, a definate download from me. Don't suppose you could add a picture of the inside of the church, I wont be near an xbox for a while and would love to see if the inside of the church is as skillfully made as the outside.
It would look better if you add columns on the door, it looks weird a roof being held by a glass door up front
Holy Church This is my all time favorite map. I live everything about it. The graves are freakin awesome. The caskets are even cooler. The creepy cave with disgaurded head stones and the broken cross has so much atmoshere. The church is spot on. The mega grav lift is perfect. The only problem would be the guy with the oddball could own up in the bell tower. Still slayer, flag , bomb would be perfect. Nice use of the golf flags things. I hear castlevania music in my head as soon as I start walking around. Super jealous and envious. This map rocks. Well Done. 9/10
This looks awesome! It does really look like a great infection map as well as a great aesthetic map. A lot of the time people have trouble making a map the both look nice and plays well but it seems as though that was no trouble for you!