Project://Eventide 2.0 *Update 3/5* *Delineate is now out. Make sure you download the maps!* Yes I know what you are thinking Forgehub, "Whatever happened to Project://Eventide 1.0?" Well let's just say Nyte and I had a mappack abortion. Originally it was supposed to be a Halo 3 mappack, but we got lazy towards the end. Most of the maps were ready for testing and whatnot, but again, we sort of got lazy and ended up scrapping the whole thing. But I guess these things happen for a reason. Because these maps play so much better in Halo: Reach, than I could have ever hoped they would in Halo 3. Originally, the mappack was supposed to include an updated version of Ironyte, two maps from me, two maps from Nyte, and a sixth map from another lucky forger. Instead it consists of our 5 maps, along with one more. Anyways, onto the maps. This is our remake of Ironyte (Released). Download Ironyte This is a remake of my shmexy ass map, Delineate (Released). Download Delineate This is a remake of another one of my unreleased maps, Iridescent. This is an original creation from Nyte, Eke. This is another original creation from Nyte, Heresy (Released). Download Heresy This is a very original creation from my new bud Crypto nv, Gyroscope (Released). Download Gyroscope Maps released: >>4/6<< We plan to submit these maps to the Testers Guild one by one before their individual release. So thank you for your time and keep an eye out for these maps.
Would it be too much deja vu if I submitted my new gyroscope map? Jokes aside. I was looking forward to seeing the map pack in halo 3 but I knew that it was reaching the point where Reach was just around the corner. The new maps look great! Ill be looking out for this.
I actually really wanted to see your map into this map pack, I really did. But I saw that you were making your own map pack so I just assumed that you were going to put it in there instead. But it's not too late if you still want to
feel free to submit your map good sir, i just checked the preview and it looks sick and sorry to all the people who were pumped for P://E 1.0 but Reach was right around the corner and we were pretty disappointed when we scrapped it, but we are even more pumped about P://E 2.0 so stick around and play with your animals while we finish up the maps and such. we love you all <3
Delineate looks really cool. I like how you used the pieces on that one. If you need a playtester just just message me. Tag Juke777
Yer sure. When its done and tested Ill give you guys a buzz and you can come check it out to see if its worthy for your map pack.
Thank you my good sir. That map is probably my best work so far. It took a long to for me to get it like that. Argh if I have to. I mean I guess it's an ok map. *don't look like you desperately want his map*
lol irony, dont diss maps /sarcasm. Any way, im pretty close to finishing Heresy and then i just have to place spawns on Eke. After Eventide is released i have a few projects that need finished sooo im kinda pumped to get this map pack released and i dont think either of us know a release date for the map pack
You know I'm playing. Anyways, I will be updating this thread soon, if not making a new one, because this map pack will be going through some dramatic (not really) changes before release.
I wouldn't make a new thread unless it's an entirely new project. You could just edit the OP with any details that you wish to include. Just out of curiosity, do those changes you mentioned have anything to do with the removal/addition of maps? I'd just like to know because I'm interested to see what you guys come up with.
Yeah it's with potential additions of new maps from some friends. But we have to sit and actually discuss how we are going to go about this whole thing. But stick around because they will most likely be added.
yes, we are hoping to integrate other people maps into the pack so we wont seem so selfish and dickish. we love the forge hubbers and we want to include you guys on everything and not leave you in the dark <3
Yeah nobody likes feeling dickish. Anyways, I've updated the thread so that it includes one of the two new maps.
We'll finish up Enclave Friday. I guess well have to test it on our own over the weekend to get it posted as soon as possible
well if we are pushing for mid december ill have to place spawns on Eke, and finish Heresy. im going to need help with heresy tho *cough* irony *cough*