(Symmetrical) New Lazer Tag (Name dedicated to "SargeantSarcasm") Unique layout, BIGGEST Lazer Tag out to date. Used All 100 Inclines (Ramp Stunts=GROUND) Weapons on map: 1 Fuel Rod 6 Plasma Repeaters 1 Needler 2 Jet-Packs Look towards mid from one base side Base side (Symmetrical) Top mid Bottom mid Ability! Look where you can get with JETPACK! Top mid teleporter (two way node) Bottom mid teleporter (two way node) Hope you enjoy! -Stopex
Great map plays fun, i like how you used the neon feel like in a real lazertag fun house type deal. PlEASE KEEP MAKING THESE!
(Thanks for the good feedback) The neon lights to make the "neon feel" were actually added at as a last minute object, They just seemed to have a good effect to the map so I kept making the idea in all of my Lazer Tag maps.
This is an amazing map so is all of your other Lazer Tag maps I really hate how no one seems to want to comment on such and amazing and fun as this one hopefully this post will start a chain or something...
Haha, everyone who knows about "Tron" says, "the map looks like tron" its funny, Btw, I know you HOBO, you made some good stuff on H3.
This is pretty darn fun, i played it with a few mates of mine, the problems we experienced with it were the spawns for team games, it was spawn camping heaven. Aesthetics overall look very nice, it's a good simulation of laser quest/lazer tag branches in reality. An idea like that also has alot of potential for me to use as a set in an upcoming machinima
(Thanks for the good feedback) I really hadn't experienced "Spawn killing heaven" I apologize if that seems to happen, i'll have to play a few more games of LT to see if that actually happens.